“You realize what a spot that puts me in, Castillo? If it turns out there’s something to this, and I heard there was, and didn’t tell the FBI what I’d heard…”

“This is what I was afraid of when we struck our deal, sir. If we hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have told you and the problem wouldn’t have come up.”

There was a perceptible pause before Montvale replied.

“On the other hand, Charley, if we hadn’t come to an accommodation you’d have had to take the train to Budapest, not gotten to fly that airplane, and you wouldn’t have the weapons Whatshisname is about to give you, right?”

“Yes, sir. I can’t argue with that.”

“Okay. Let me think about it. I won’t get the FBI involved…”

“Thank you. All they would do right now is get in the way…”

“…at this time. If I do decide they have to know, I’ll tell you before I tell them.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.”

“And I want to talk to the cop who was undercover in the mosque as soon as that can be arranged. Is that going to be a problem?”

“No, sir. Just as soon as he gets back to Washington, I’ll have Miller set up a meeting.”

“Good enough. Good

luck with your source. Keep me posted.”

Charley said, “Yes, sir,” but suspected that Montvale had hung up before he had spoken the two words.

“White House. Are you through?”

“See if you can get Major Miller at Homeland Secur—at my office, please. On a secure line.”

“Colonel Castillo’s secure line,” Miller said a moment later.

“Is it smart to say ‘Colonel’?” Castillo greeted him.

“I don’t know about smart, but, frankly, I find it a little humiliating. Anyway, it’s hardly a secret. All kinds of people have called obviously hoping to hear you getting promoted was just a ridiculous rumor.”


“What can I do for you, Colonel?”

“I just told Montvale that I would have you set up a meeting with Jack Britton the minute he got back to Washington. Therefore, get in touch with Jack and tell him he is to stay away from Washington until I get back.”

“Got it. And when will that be?”

“The day after tomorrow—presuming Jake arrives tomorrow morning with the Gulfstream—I’m going to Buenos Aires. Get on the horn to Alex Darby at the embassy and tell him I will need a safe house—the one we used would be fine, but anything will do—to house an important witness. A safe house and people to keep it that way. I’ll also need a black car. Actually, a couple of them.”

“This important witness have a name?”

“Let me sit on that awhile. And tell Darby to find Yung and have him at the safe house.”

“Yung tried to call you here.”

“What did he want?”

“To tell you the ambassador in Montevideo thinks Lorimer was a drug dealer.”

“Isn’t that interesting?”