“None taken,” Castillo said.

“Sir,” the man said. “We will take good care of Úr Kocian and get him safely and discreetly to the Gellért in the morning.”

“Good,” Castillo said.

He meant that. Obviously, he really likes Eric. Why should that surprise me?

“There is one thing, sir…”

“Which is?”

“The dog, sir. Sometimes he can be difficult…”

“What it is,” Kocian said, “is that you smell like leberwurst.”

“I’m taking Max with me,” Castillo said.

The man’s face registered both surprise and relief.

“I think that would be best, sir.”

Sándor Tor was waiting with the silver Mercedes-Benz S500 when Görner and Castillo walked out of the hospital door. Max lunged toward it, towing Castillo after him.

“I called the office and had them send other security people over,” Görner said.

“I saw them,” Tor said. “He ran off the people I had placed in the corridor.” He paused, then asked, “How is he?”

“He’s all right,” Görner said. “The hospital will never be the same, but Úr Kocian is fine.”

“He also ran me off,” Tor said. “He said I made him nervous.”

“Having you around would be like admitting he needed your protection,” Castillo said.

“After you drop us at the Gellért, you can come back here and go see him. Your excuse will be that Úr Gossinger”—he nodded at Castillo—“suggested you drive the van in the morning.”

“The van in the morning?”

“We’re going to move him, very quietly, to the Gellért in the morning,” Castillo said. “Tell him I just put you in charge of the movement.”

“Thank you very much, Úr Gossinger.”

Tor opened a rear door of the Mercedes.

Max, nearly knocking Castillo off his feet, jumped in and sat up on the seat.

“Jesus,” Castillo said, letting go of the leash and tossing it into the car. “Go ahead, Otto. I’ll get in front.”

Görner started to get in the back. Max announced he didn’t think that was the way things should be by showing a thin row of teeth and growling.

“Damn that dog!” Görner said and got in the front passenger’s seat.

Castillo got in the back. Max showed he thought that was a very good idea by leaning over and lapping Castillo’s face.

“The Gellért, right, Úr Görner?” Tor asked when he was behind the wheel.

“No,” Castillo said. “Take us to the American embassy, please.”

Görner looked at him in surprise but didn’t say anything.