"Wiener schnitzel, baby," he said.

Betty smiled at him.

"If you don't mind, Costello, our mother wants to see her!" Lieutenant Frank Schneider said behind him.

Castillo turned.

Standing behind Betty's brother was the couple Charley presumed were the parents. Behind them were the clergyman and another man.

"What's the matter with you, Francis?" Betty's mother snapped. "Can't you see the way she's looking at him?"

"I'm sorry," Castillo said.

Reluctantly, Betty let go of his hand.

Betty's mother touched Castillo's cheek, and stepped around him to the bed.

Betty's father eyed him icily.

Castillo walked out of the room, followed by Fernando, and a moment later by Lieutenant Schneider.

Did he leave because he wanted his mother and father and the minister to be alone with Betty? Or did his mother tell him to get out?

"Costello!" Lieutenant Schneider said.

Castillo turned. Schneider walked very close to him and asked, "You remember one time I promised to break both your legs?"

Both the highway patrolman and the Secret Service agent guarding Betty's door were now on their feet.

"The name is Castillo," Charley said evenly. "And, yes, I seem to remember something like that."

"I knew you were bad news the minute I laid eyes on you," Schneider said. "She's in there because of you."

Castillo nodded slightly. "Guilty."

"If you ever show your face around her again, I swear I'll break both your legs and then tear off your arms and shove them up your ass!"

Castillo didn't reply.

Fernando took a couple of steps closer. "Let me tell you something, Shorty," he said, aware that "Shorty" was relative. Lieutenant Schneider, at six-feet-one, was at least two inches shorter-and maybe forty pounds lighter-than Fernando Lopez.

"Butt out, lardass!" Lieutenant Schneider said.

"That's enough, Lieutenant!" Chief Inspector Kramer barked. "Back off! Now!"

"What I was about to tell the lieutenant," Fernando said, matter-of-factly, "is that the way it is in our family, anyone wanting to get at Charley has to get past me first."

"Don't pour gas on a fire," Chief Inspector Kramer said. "Ask any fireman. Both of you shut up."

Castillo chuckled.

"You open your mouth once more, Schneider, and I'll order you out of here. Capische?"

Schneider nodded.

"Say 'Yes, sir,' Lieutenant!"

"Yes, sir," Schneider said, reluctantly.