"Probably for at least an hour, senor."

"If she wakes before I get back, tell her I'll be back," Castillo ordered.

"I will."

Castillo unplugged the cellular from the charger, saw that he now had enough battery remaining to get to the Four Seasons, then unplugged the charger from the wall and put both devices in his pocket. Then he walked out of the room.

Corporal Lester Bradley, USMC, who was sitting beside Jack Britton, got quickly to his feet when he saw Castillo.

Castillo met Britton's eyes.

"She's still out. The nurse says she'll be out for an hour or more. So Corporal Bradley and I are going to go pack. I'll have them move your stuff and hers into my room and settle those bills. After we're gone tomorrow, there will be people to relieve you and Solez and-"

"Got it," Britton said.

"While I'm dealing with the hotel, Bradley will go where his billet is and pack enough clothing-including his dress blues-for a week. Then he will go back to the hotel, pick me up, and we'll come back here."

"Sir?" Bradley said.


"My orders are that I'm not to leave you. And… why do I need my dress blues?"

"Because you have the sad duty, Corporal, of taking Sergeant Markham home and burying him."

"The gunny didn't say anything about that, sir."

"The gunny doesn't know about it yet."

"Sir, I can't go without orders."

"You just got your orders," Castillo said. "If it makes you feel better, call your gunny and tell him what I have ordered."

"Yes, sir," Corporal Bradley said, doubtfully. One of the SIDE agents in the corridor followed Castillo and Bradley onto the elevator, and when the elevator door opened in the basement, two more men, obviously SIDE agents also, were waiting for them.

r /> Castillo wondered how they had been notified; he hadn't seen the SIDE man use a cellular.

Obviously, stupid, one of the other SIDE agents called and said we were getting on the elevator.

And since it took you some time to figure that out, it means you're tired and not thinking clearly.

"Sir, I am the Major Querrina of the SIDE, with the honor of having your security-"

"I speak Spanish, Major," Charley interrupted him.

Major Querrina's relief was visible.

"You're going someplace, sir?"

"First to the Four Seasons. And while I am in there, my bodyguard here is going to the Marine barracks, or whatever it's called, to quickly pack a suitcase."

Major Querrina looked dubiously at Corporal Bradley but didn't say anything.

"When he's done that," Castillo went on, "he's going to go back to the Four Seasons and pick me up, and we're coming back here." He turned to Bradley. "Where is this place, Corporal?"

"Just off Libertador-" Bradley started.

"I know where it is," Querrina interrupted. "It's a twenty- to thirty-minute drive from the Four Seasons. Is time important?"