"… There would be something wrong with a man who, looking at a bullet in the skull of the woman he loves-a bullet which, but for God's mercy, would have taken her life-was not affected as you were."

Castillo met his eyes but said nothing.

Munz squeezed his arm.

"And pay attention to what your bodyguard said about your not having an armored car," Munz said with a smile. "I presume you'll be going to your embassy?"

Why not? Dr. Santa Claus said Betty'll be in there two hours. And I'm going to have to talk to Washington on a secure line.

Castillo nodded. "I took that to heart."

"There will be a SIDE car with you," Munz said, and then offered Castillo his hand. "Goodbye, Karl."

Goodbye? What does he mean by that?

"Thanks for everything, Alfredo."

"I will pray for your lady, Karl," Munz said, touched Castillo's shoulder, then walked quickly down the corridor to the elevator.

Charley went back in the office, told Britton and Solez he was going to the embassy and to call him if there was any word at all, and then-under the careful watch of Corporal Bradley, his bodyguard-went to the basement and got in the unarmored embassy car.

On the way, his cellular went off, and he answered it with his heart in his throat. It was Ambassador Silvio, who told him that Mrs. Masterson wished to go ahead with the ceremony at the Catedral Metropolitana.

"I'm on the way to the embassy, sir. To get on the horn to Washington. Would you like me to wait until you get there?"

"Please, Charley. I'll be there in thirty minutes." [THREE] The United States Embassy Avenida Colombia 4300 Buenos Aires, Argentina 2040 24 July 2005 "White House."

"This is C. G. Castillo. I need to speak on a secure-"

"We've been waiting for your call, sir. Hold one, please." "Secretary Hall's office. Mrs. Kensington speaking."

"We have Mr. Castillo for Secretary Hall, Mrs. Kensington. This line is secure."

Mrs. Kensington pushed her intercom button, said, "Pick up, boss. It's Charley on a secure line," then dialed another number on the secure phone.

Charley listened as she said, "We have Secretary Hall and Mr. Castillo on a secure line for a conference call with Director Montvale."

Oh shit!

Charles W. Montvale, former deputy secretary of state, former secretary of the treasury, and former ambassador to the European Union, was the recently appointed United States director of national intelligence. The press had immediately dubbed him the "intel czar."

"Charles Montvale."

Oh, shit, again! He sounds like he's got his teeth clenched.

"Are you okay, Charley?" Secretary Hall asked as he came on the line.

"I'm well, thank you, Matt. And yourself?" Director Montvale said, a touch of condescending amusement in his voice.

"Castillo, are you on?" Hall asked. There was a touch of impatience in his voice.

"Yes, sir."

"Are you all right, Charley?"

"Yes, sir. I'm fine."

"And the girl?"