"We will need the bullets in his body as evidence when we catch the villains and bring them to trial," Munz said, matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, right," Castillo said, and put his finger back on the autodial key that would connect him with Ambassador Silvio. "Is that about it, Charley?" Silvio asked. "I'll go to San Isidro and ask Mrs. Masterson what she wants to do about the ceremony tomorrow and call you and let you know."

"One more thing, sir. I would-"

"Let me interrupt," Silvio said. "Forgive me. How do you want to handle telling Washington? Would you like to do that yourself? I'll have to call the State Department, obviously. Would you like to meet me at the embassy after I speak with Mrs. Masterson?"

"I'm going to call Washington as soon as I can, reporting what happened…"

"From the embassy?"

"On this phone."

"Not on a secure line?"

"If they want me on a secure line, I'll tell them I'll go to the embassy as soon as I can. Which will be after I learn Betty Schneider's condition."

"I understand how you feel," Silvio said. "But I really think they're going to want you on a secure line as soon as possible."

"And as soon as possible, I'll get on a secure line," Castillo said simply.

There was a perceptible hesitation before Silvio went on: "You said there was one more thing?"

"Two, now that I think about it. I would be personallygrateful if you could send one or more Marines right now to the Sante Fe Circle to be with, and stay with, Sergeant Markham's body. If it's gone when they get there, tell them to go to the German Hospital. The Marines take pride in never leaving anybody behind, and Roger was one hell of a Marine."

"I'll take care of that right away," Silvio said.

"And get a casket and a flag to the German Hospital. Roger will be on the Globemaster when it goes wheels-up tomorrow."

"I'll see that that's done."

"Thank you, sir."

"Let me know about Miss Schneider's condition as soon as you learn anything, will you, please?"

"Yes, sir. I will."

"We'll be talking, Charley."

"Yes, sir."

/> Castillo pressed the END key and then punched in a long series of numbers from memory. "Department of Homeland Security. How may I direct your call?"

"Five, please." "Secretary Hall's office. Mrs. Kensington."

"This is Charley, Mrs. K."

"Well, how are you?"

"Lousy. Is the boss there?"

"You just missed him, Charley."

"Good, I really didn't want to talk to him."

"Excuse me?"

"What about Dick Miller?"