Castillo stood up and faced the rear of the bus.

"May I have your attention, please?" he began, and when he had it, went on: "My name is Castillo. As I understand you have been informed, I have been placed in charge of the American investigation into Mr. Masterson's murder, and the abduction of Mrs. Masterson. Additionally, I have been given responsibility for the safety of the Masterson family while they are in Argentina.

"The investigation itself is being conducted by Argentine authorities, under the overall control of SIDE, and I think you all know what SIDE is."

There was a tug on his jacket, and he looked down and saw first that Agent Schneider's eyes were even deeper and more lovely than he had remembered, and also that she was shaking her head just enough to indicate she didn't know what SIDE was.

"I'll brief you and Agent Britton separately later, Agent Schneider," he said, and then went on. "It has been decided that this investigation, and any prosecution resulting from it, will be done by the Argentine authorities."

"Who the hell decided that?" Special Agent Holtzman demanded.

"I did, and Ambassador Silvio concurred," Castillo replied. "And let me bring you up to speed on what else the ambassador and I have decided. There will be no communication of any sort by any means with any federal agency in Washington or elsewhere without the prior approval of Ambassador Silvio or myself. I want that clearly understood. Are there any questions about it?"

An agent in the back said, "You mean I can't call my wife and tell her I got down here all right?"

"You can call anyone you wish, as long as there is no reference to the situation here. Clear?"

There were murmurs.

"Nothing is going to happen tonight. Special Agent Yung will take you to your hotel and get you fed, et cetera. In the morning, I will inform him, or you, Agent Holtzman, your call, where you can meet with the Argentine authorities. They have agreed to make you privy to what they have learned so far, but I want it kept in mind this is their investigation, and things will be done their way. We're here to help, that's all.

"So far as interviewing Mrs. Masterson is concerned, for a number of reasons, including that she was drugged by her abductors and is still in the hospital, unless there is some overriding reason for the FBI to question her, all interviews of her will be conducted by Special Agent Santini of the Secret Service, and Special Agent Schneider. If she is interviewed by the FBI, it will be in the presence of one of them, or of Mr. Alex Darby."

"Who's he?" Holtzman asked.

"He's the commercial attache of the embassy. He has the complete confidence of the ambassador, Mrs. Masterson, and myself."

"What the hell are we doing down here, then? If we can't even-"

"You're here, Agent Holtzman," Castillo interrupted, "for the same reason I am. The President has ordered it."

"May I ask a question, sir?" a man in an Air Force flight suit with the insignia of command pilot and the silver leaf of a lieutenant colonel asked.

I wonder how long it will be before Yung confides in the lieutenant colonel that the hotshot in charge is really a lowly Army major?

"Yes, sir, of course."

"How long are you going to need the C-37?"

"I'll be able to answer that better in the morning, Colonel. After I get my orders. That's the best I can give you right now."

"Fine. How's the security here?"

"That platoon of men in the brown uniforms-the ones with the submachine guns-will guard the Gulfstream, Colonel. They're Gendarmeria National."

"You think that's enough?"

Castillo felt the eyes of the SIDE agents on him.

"I have no problem with them at all, Colonel."

"Good enough. Thank you, sir."

"That's all I have. I'll give Agent Yung my cellular number in case anything comes up, but please don't call it unless it's really necessary. I've been up since half past six, and I want to go to bed."

"I'll bet," Special Agent Yung said softly, with a knowing smile.

You sonofabitch!