There's not a hell of a lot of friendly faces looking at me. As a matter of fact, none.

Well, here goes.

"Good morning, gentlemen," Castillo began. "Our priorities are these. First, the protection of Mrs. Masterson and her children. Second, the protection of all embassy personnel. Third, to cooperate with the Argentine authorities in their investigation of what has happened.

"In regard to the last, after consulting with Ambassador Silvio, I have decided that we will proceed on the assumption tha

t the Argentine government will find out who committed these crimes, arrest the culprits, and subject them to trial in Argentine courts."

"We're not even going to try to extradite these scum-bags?" FBI agent Yung asked.

"That is what, after consultation with Ambassador Silvio, I have decided. And please don't interrupt me again until I open the floor for comments and questions," Castillo said.

There was some murmuring, but nothing more.

Well, I got away with that. Let's see what else I can get away with.

"With regard to Priority One: Mr. Santini, who has had extensive experience with the Secret Service Presidential Protection Detail, will assume responsibility for the protection of the Masterson family until we can get them safely out of the country. An Air Force transport is already in the air on its way down here to transport Mr. Masterson's body and his family to the United States.

"With regard to Priority Two: Mr. Lowery will put in place whatever heightened security measures he deems necessary for the protection of all other embassy personnel. I know the President has a deep interest in this, so I'd like, within the hour, a rough game plan from you, Mr. Lowery, so that after Ambassador Silvio approves it-or modifies it-I can send it to Washington."

Castillo looked at Lowery, who said, "Yes, sir. Within the hour."

Two down.

"With regard to Priority Three: Mr. Darby will handle all arrangements to cooperate with the Argentine authorities in their investigation of this situation, and, coordinatingwith Mr. Santini and Mr. Lowery, the incorporation of what security personnel the Argentine government provides into our own security arrangements.

"Further, the FBI is sending a team of investigators down here. They will report to Mr. Darby. Mr… Yung, is it?"

"Yung," he confirmed.

"You will be responsible for the logistic support of the FBI team. Find them someplace to live, to operate, automobiles, whatever they need, and also keep Ambassador Silvio, Mr. Darby, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Santini, and myself advised on a timely basis of whatever their investigation develops.

"The Secret Service is sending two special agents down here. One, Special Agent Schneider, will report to Mr. Santini to assist in the protection of the Masterson family. Special Agent Britton will monitor both the Argentine's and our investigation-including, of course, the FBI's- and report to the ambassador and me what information he comes up with. I will, since both special agents will be working for me, handle their logistic requirements."

Now how the hell are you going to do that?

"Finally, to ensure everyone's working on the same page, and to ensure that someone sitting behind a desk in Washington doesn't start to try to micromanage what we're going to do here, there will be no communication by any means-radio, e-mail, or telephone-with any agency in Washington unless it has been first vetted by the ambassador or myself."

"You're telling me, sir, that I'm forbidden to communicate with the bureau?" Yung demanded.

"Thank you for the opportunity to make myself perfectly clear, Agent Yung, as apparently my request to finish without interruption also went unheard," Castillo said icily. "You are forbidden to communicate with the bureau-or anyone else-absent the approval of the ambassador or myself in every instance. Got it?"

There was a moment's hesitation. Then a cold, "I've got it."

"Now, are there any questions or comments?" There were far fewer questions and comments than Castillo expected.

There is, however, a sullen, bubbling resentment toward Presidential Agent Castillo that can be cut with a knife.

But I think trying to be a nice guy would have made things even worse.

"Well, if that's it, gentlemen, thank you for your time and attention. Now let's get to work. Mr. Darby and Mr. Santini, will you remain behind, please?" "Will you be needing me for anything else, Mr. Castillo?" Ambassador Silvio asked, when everyone but Darby and Santini had left the room.

"If you would, sir. Give me another minute."

"Of course."

"Tony, Alex, that commo block doesn't apply to either of you. But I couldn't keep just the FBI off the horn. And I really didn't want some hotshot second-guessing what we're going to try to do here." He looked at Darby. "Remember the Langley hotshots with access to a satellite phone in Afghanistan, Alex?"