He had to wait fifteen seconds before Lieutenant General Robert B. Towson, Commanding General, V United States Corps, came on the line.


“Good morning, General. Lustrous.”

“What can I do for you, Fred?”

“Sir, I need about ten minutes of your time and some guidance. If there’s a chopper available, I’d appreciate a ride. If not, I’ll drive.”

“Obviously, you don’t want to talk about this on the phone.”

“I’d rather not, sir.”

“Personal matter, Fred?”

“No, sir. There’s a personal element. I was just thinking: For the good of the service.”

“Okay. You and I are on for lunch. A chopper will be there in thirty minutes. And you don’t even have to change out of those oil-stained fatigues and illegal boots. Okay?”

“Thank you very much, General.”

General Towson hung up without saying anything else.

“Okay,” Lustrous said. “There will be a chopper here in thirty minutes. You, me, and Major Naylor. Locate Colonel Stevens and tell him I said I want him to come here and mind the store.”

Lieutenant Colonel Charles D. Stevens was the executive officer of the Blackhorse.

“Yes, sir,” Sergeant Major Dieter said.


Office of the Commanding General V Corps The I.G. Farben Building Frankfurt am Main, West Germany 1035 8 March 1981

“Sir, Colonel Lustrous is here,” Sergeant Major Anthony J. Sanguenetti, a large, dark, almost entirely bald forty-five-year -old, said into the intercom on his desk.

“Is he alone?”

“No, sir, he has Major Naylor and a really ugly sergeant major with him.”

“All of you come in, and tell Lownsdale no calls until I say so.”

“Yes, sir,” Sanguenetti said and looked up at Lustrous. “Sir, the Corps commander will see you, Major Naylor, and Ol’ Whatsisname over there now.”

Sergeant Major Dieter gave Sergeant Major Sanguenetti the finger as he walked past him to enter General Towson’s office.

Lustrous, Naylor, and Dieter saluted crisply. Towson returned it with an almost casual wave of the hand.

“When Tony said ’ugly,’ ” he said, rising from his chair to offer his hand to Sergeant Major Dieter, “I knew it had to be you. How are you, Rupert? Too long a time no see.”

“It’s good to see you, too, sir.”

“You look skinny,” General Towson said. “He been overworking you?”

“Yes, sir. He has.”

“So I guess you know what this is all about?”

“Yes, sir.”