Oh, shit! Charley couldn’t cover me!

“Yes, sir,” Miller said. “Sir, relieved of what?”

“Of your duties with the CIA, and, of course, as assistant military attaché. Your security clearances have been suspended, pending an investigation.”

“An investigation of what, sir?”

“You will be informed in due time,” Porter said.

“Sir, with all possible respect, I don’t believe you have the authority to relieve me of my CIA duties,” Miller said.

“A message from Washington, from the CIA in Washington, has ordered your relief. The ambassador has ordered me to implement your relief.”

“May I see the message, sir?”

“Don’t make this any more difficult than it already is, Miller,” Porter said.

"Sir ...”

Porter cut him off.

“I am also to take possession of any and all classified materials in your possession.”

“Sir, I am not in possession of any classified material of any kind.”

Porter looked at him closely, almost visibly deciding whether or not to believe him.

“You will remain under arrest to quarters until such time as transportation can be arranged for you to leave Angola. That will occur within the next few hours.”

“Yes, sir. Sir, two questions?”

After a moment, Porter nodded his head.

“Sir, transportation to where?”

Porter started to reply but stopped and took a small notebook from his shirt pocket. He flipped through the pages, then said, “You will report to the Special Activities Section, J-5, U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. And with all respect, sir, I again ask the nature of the charges against me.”

“You will be informed in due time.”

“Yes, sir. With respect, sir, in that circumstance, I will not consider myself under arrest to quarters until such time as I am advised of any charges against me.”

Porter lost his temper. “You’re under arrest to quarters because I say you are! Is that clear enough for you, Major?”

“Sir, if the colonel will consult the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 1948—I have a copy, sir—I think you will find that prior to being placed in confinement, including arrest to quarters, the accused will be notified of the nature of charges being considered against him.”

“You’re a guardhouse lawyer, too, are you, Miller?”

“Sir, I am simply informing you of my position in this matter.”

Porter inhaled and then exhaled slowly.

“Very well, Major Miller. I am informing you that in the very near future you will be advised of your travel plans. With that in mind, I am ordering you to remain in your quarters until that happens. Does that satisfy you?”

“Yes, sir. So long as we are agreed that I am not in arrest to quarters.”

“I suggest that you start packing, Major Miller.”