Gurnov removed one of the glass vials labeled “Succinylcholine” from the brown paperboard box and put it in with the syringes in the plastic box. He placed the paperboard box of vials back in the safe and closed and locked it. Then he stood and carried the vodka box containing the cash and succinylcholine and needles to the battered wooden desk, his foot finding a plastic bottle of vodka as he went.

There the light of the overhead bulb was better. But he had to make room on the messy desktop. In the process he knocked some forms to the floor. Then he saw that the small box of used cell phones was still there—and next to it Ricky’s black laptop computer and small digital camera he’d used for posting the online ads for the girls.

I wonder why he did not take them to Florida?

Did he forget?

I could call him again, but it is too late.

He will have to figure out what to do when he is there.

The light from the bulb flickered, and when he looked up, he saw it swaying slightly. He then heard, in addition to the heavy driving beat from the sound system, the headboard banging in a bedroom above the office.

If that is Ricky’s new one, it is only a matter of time before she causes some problem.

I need out of this business.

His cell phone rang. The caller ID announced that it was Antonov.

“Everything okay, Nick?” he answered in Russian.

“Did you get in touch with Carlos?”

“Yes,” Gurnov lied. “It is all set.”

“When and where?”

Gurnov sighed audibly.

“You have a problem with me asking about an important shipment?”

“No, Nick. But are you going to micromanage this? Or can I do my damn job?”

“You have any more of the muscle relaxer?”

Gurnov almost dropped his phone. What?

“Why, Nick?”

“Yes or no?”

“I’ll have to check the safe. But it should be there.”

“Get it. I will let you know if it will be necessary.”


Antonov ignored the question and said, “Call me when you know how much there is.”

Gurnov, shaking his head in wonder, looked at his cell phone as the screen went dark.

Then it suddenly lit back up with a text message box:
