A minute later she said, “I realize this may sound terribly rhetorical, but what if ‘on the run’ means she’s really on the run?”

While they had been driving to Key West International that morning, with Chad behind the wheel of his rental SUV, Matt received a telephone call from Will McCain. He announced that Maggie had just sent a new e-mail, and he wanted Matt’s address so he could forward it.

Minutes later, after reading the e-mail on his cell phone, Matt showed it to Amanda:

From: William McCain

Date: 17NOV 0859


Subject: FWD: I’m fine!!!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Maggie

Date: 17NOV 0832

To: Mother, Dad, Emma

Subject: I’m fine!!!

Hi!! I’m in a good place but on the run. More shortly. Promise! Love you!! Mag

“You know her better than I do,” Matt said. “What do you make of it?”

Amanda, handing back the phone, sighed heavily.

“I have no earthly idea,” she said. “Everything and nothing? That’s her upbeat personality. And her wanting to be in control. She gets that from her father. Being orderly and in control. But if she’s in a good place . . .”

“I don’t get it either,” Matt said. “But I can see the control thing. And see it being a problem.”

“What did Maggie say?” Chad said, then added, “If I’m allowed to ask.”

“Hell yes you’re allowed to ask,” Payne immediately replied. “We need to find her. Or at least find out what’s going on with her.”

Payne read the e-mail aloud.

“On the surface,” Chad said, “I’d say it sounds promising.”

“Maybe,” Matt said, gazing out his window. They were driving down a narrow strip of island, the Overseas Highway down to just two lanes, and practically surrounded by water. “But like all that out there, there’s always something going on beneath the surface. Sometimes good, sometimes not. What could be the reason, besides control, that she won’t allow anyone to communicate with her?”

Is she doing it because she can’t—someone’s not letting her—or because she thinks she shouldn’t?

After a moment, he thought, Hell, if you don’t try, you don’t get . . .

He turned to his cell phone and, after hitting a couple of keys, typed out and sent:


Date: 17NOV 0910

To: Maggie

CC: SGT M.M. Payne