The short fat kid dug deep into his jeans pocket and produced a folded paper bill. He slapped the money on the counter. The bony male clerk then pulled two coffee cups from a tall stack upside down on the counter, and quickly but casually reached under the counter. It was near where he had put Delgado’s FedEx envelope. He came back up with the cups, but now one was inserted in the other. The clerk turned to the sink behind him, then filled the top cup with tap water and snapped a lid on it.

Delgado glanced at his own coffee sitting beside the computer monitor. The steam-hot double espresso had been given to him in only a single cup.

Delgado looked back to the counter as the clerk was handing the stacked cups to the kid. The boy took them, then, without waiting for change, turned and went out the door somewhat quicker than he’d entered.

Once outside the door, the boy pulled the top cup out and tossed it in the trash receptacle next to the outside seating, then took off down the sidewalk in a trot.

Delgado made eye contact with the clerk, who smiled knowingly back.

The phone vibrated in his hand, and he read the incoming reply: 214-555-7636 C U THEN…

Delgado thumbed back: GET SUBURBAN READY 4 TRIP SOUTH

His screen then read: 214-5-155-7636 ITS IN GARAGE N READY NOW

Delgado thumbed: BUENO… C U 2NITE

He put the phone back down, then looked back at the computer monitor.

A link under the photograph of the burning Philly Inn went to the article. He clicked on it and waded through screen ads for a King of Prussia Chevy automobile dealer, casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and a Center City brew pub.


At least two known dead and two injured after the Philly Inn blew up and burned early Thursday morning By Jim Striegelvich Bulletin Staff Writer Photographs by Jack Weinberg Bulletin Photographer Posted Online 09/09 at 8:45 a.m.

Philadelphia-A violent explosion at the Philly Inn on Frankford Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia blew out at least one motel room this morning just before two o?clock.

The cause of the blast, and subsequent fire, said a spokesman for the Philadelphia Police Department, has yet to be positively determined. Initial reports, however, suggest that an illegal ad hoc laboratory for the manufacture of crystal methamphetamine was involved.

The fire displaced more than 150 people who were staying at the motel, including a twenty-five-year-old who identified himself as Demetrius Xavier “X-J” Johnson.

“It?s gotta be meth, man,” said Johnson. “This place has stunk of cat piss for months! And ain?t nobody done nothing about it.”

The police spokesman said that two men, as yet to be identified, have been confirmed as dead in the motel room. Two others were injured and transported by ambulance to Temple Burn Center; no details on them or their condition have been made available at this time.

Check back for updates

as they become available.


From Independent1inPhilly (9:01 a.m.):

Those druggie slimeballs. Can?t think of a better way for them to depart this world.

Recommend [6] Click Here to Report Abuse From WhatWouldBenFranklinDo (9:22 a.m.):

I?m with you, Indy1. Too bad they ruin so many lives first, however.

Recommend [4] Click Here to Report Abuse From Hung.Up.Badge.But.Not.Gun (9:50 a.m.):

Amen to both of you, Indy1 amp; WWBFD. I spent enough time walking the beat to see everything at least once. And nothing is as insidious as what these drugs do to families of every walk of life. I say, Shoot?em all and let the Good Lord sort?em out.

Recommend [4] Click Here to Report Abuse Delgado shook his head.

Fuck you people!

I’m not forcing anyone to buy and swallow anything they don’t want.