There was a lump in his throat that felt like the size of a Lincoln SUV.

He thought he might cry.

How do I reply to that?

My God!

No wonder she took so long to reply.

“You okay?” Harris said, looking askance at Payne.

Payne tried to clear his throat. The Lincoln SUV budged a little. He was about to reply, but didn’t trust his voice. He simply nodded.

Then his phone vibrated again.

It was another text from Amanda:


Something else I need to get off my chest.

Recently I've lost a couple of people who were very close to me.

That made me rethink a lot of things.

Plus, my specialty can be kind of rough on the psyche.

Especially seeing the kids across the street at shriners. Anyone who thinks they have a tough life hasn?t taken a walk through a pediatric burn ward and visited with those poor kids.

Anyway, all that made me pretty introspective.

And so I promised myself that i?d do what my friend-Carl Crantz was his name — said before he passed: to live every day like it?s the last.

Sorry. You asked… (smile) — A Now Payne was crying. He turned his head so Tony Harris wouldn’t see.

And how the hell do I respond to that?

What a wonderful woman…

After a moment, he thought, Well, when in doubt, tell the truth.

He texted: i'm speechless. that, like you, was beautiful. thanks for sharing. -matt A second later, his phone vibrated:


Matt?!? Oh no! Wrong Payne!

I thought I was texting my therapist!

Just kidding (smile) I meant it for you. -A He grinned. Then he had a thought and really grinned broadly as he typed: cute. just so you know, my favorite part was where you mentioned your chest… (big grin)


You?re so bad!

I share my soul and that's the thanks I get.

Some sexist caveman comment on my anatomy.