“Yes, it was. Apology accepted.”

Matt smiled.

Thank God.

“Thank you,” he said, slipping the depressor into his pocket.

He motioned toward Byrth.

“Now that that’s all straightened out, Dr. Amanda Law, this is Sergeant Jim Byrth.”

“How are you, Sergeant?” Amanda said.

“It’s ‘Jim.’ And I’m fine, thank you, ma’am. Pleasure to meet you.”

Payne pulled out a chair for Amanda.

“Thank you,” she said as she sat down.

Payne then waved his hand above his head to get the attention of the waitress. She was at the end of the bar, putting an order of drinks on a round tray. When she saw him, he motioned with his fist to mime drinking, then pointed at their table. The waitress smiled and nodded.

Jim Byrth was about to sit down.

“You can’t sit there,” Payne said.

“What’re you going to do,” Amy said sharply, “have your guest stand all night?”

Matt raised his eyebrows. “And I thought that I had a bad day.”

He stepped over to the adjacent table, put his hands on opposite ends of the tabletop, and began sliding it toward the table where Amy and Amanda sat. Jim Byrth saw that the chair that he’d been about to sit in was in the way. He moved it. When the tables had been pushed together, he and Matt rearranged the empty chairs.

The new arrangement had Amanda sitting at one end and Amy on the corner to her left. Matt sat down in the chair on the corner to Amanda’s right, which gave him a clear view of the front door. Byrth then sat to the right of Matt. The Hat went into the empty chair at the end of the table, the one opposite Amanda Law.

The bar’s wooden front door squeaked open.

Matt Payne automatically glanced at it-and saw that Byrth did the same. It was obviously no accident that the Texas Ranger had also made sure he had a view of the door-and of everyone who entered or left.

In came Jason Washington. On his heels was Tony Harris. Both were in plainclothes. Washington was in a tailored tan poplin suit that even after the long, hard day looked crisp. Harris ha

d on dark slacks, a white knit shirt, and his usual well-worn blue blazer.

Matt waved and got their attention.

As they came up to the table, Washington lit up like a kid at Christmas.

“That is you, Amanda!” he exclaimed. “How are you, sweetheart?”

Jesus H. Christ! Payne thought as he watched him move around the table to reach her. Does everyone know this woman except me?

And, clearly, love her?

Has she been right there in front of me all these years?

Reminds me of that saying… how’s it go? Oh, yeah.

“If you want to find something, stop looking for it.”

Payne felt Byrth looking at him as Matt stared at Amanda. Payne turned to Byrth, then shrugged and raised his eyebrows to say, Who knew? “I’m well, Jason, thank you very much,” Amanda Law was saying.