“I didn’t know anyone went there on purpose,” Chad said.

“I am being sent to Harrisburg,” Matt corrected himself.

“Susan lives outside Harrisburg,” Daffy said.

“You do something wrong?” Chad said, reaching for the bottle of Merlot.

“Of course not,” Matt said. “I am known in the department as Detective Perfect. Yeah, that’s right, isn’t it? She told me that.”

“Shit!” Chad said. “Who told you what?”

“Susan Whatsername told me she lived in Harrisburg.”

“Camp Hill,” Daffy corrected him. “Outside Harrisburg.”

“What are you being sent to Harrisburg for?” Chad asked.

“They are having a crime wave, and require the services of a big-city detective to solve it.”


“You remember reading about the lieutenant the Department threw in the slammer for protecting the call girl ring?”


“Not for publication, I’m tying up some loose ends on that,” Matt said.

“A call girl ring?” Daffy said. “Right down your alley. You should love that.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“You really should call her,” Daffy said.

“Call who? Any call girl? Or do you have a specific one in mind?”

“Susan, you ass.”

“Your pal Susan shot me down in flames, you will recall.”

“If at first you don’t succeed,” Daffy said.

“I have her phone number,” Matt said. “You gave it to me.”

“Call her. If nothing else, it’ll keep you out of trouble with the call girls,” Daffy said.

“I don’t know,” Matt said doubtfully.

“Call her, damn you. She’s a very nice girl.”

A very nice girl, Matt thought, who is aiding and abetting four murdering lunatics.

“Are you going to be talking to her?” Matt asked.

“I don’t know,” Daffy replied. “I can. Why?”

“I don’t suppose you would be willing to tell her you were only kidding when you told her what an all-around son of a bitch I am?”

“I wasn’t kidding. But, okay, I’ll call her and put in a good word for you. If you promise to call her when you’re there.”