“This is a real can of worms,” Denny Coughlin said. “And it won’t wait. I’d rather explain it to you in person, if that would be possible. The FBI is involved, and—”

“The FBI is involved?”

“—and Walter Davis just spoke with the U.S. Attorney. He’s going to meet with us right now. I just sent a car for him, and I’d like to send one for you.”

“Okay. If you think it’s that important, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

“Thank you, Tony.”

“What cops, Denny? Can you tell me who?”

“I don’t think you’d know the names. The Narcotics Unit Five Squad.”

“And what did some narc do to attract the interest of the FBI?”

“It’s more than one narc, Tony. I’m afraid it’s the whole Five Squad.”

“Now I’m getting interested.”

“I’ll explain it all when I see you,” Coughlin said. “By the time you walk out your front door, there will be a Highway Patrol car waiting for you.”


“Thank you, Tony,” Coughlin said, and hung up.

Callis swung his feet out of bed. Gertrude rolled onto her back.

“You’re not going out?”

“Go back to sleep, honey.”

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t really know,” Callis replied, thinking aloud. “But Denny Coughlin doesn’t do something like this—”

“Like what?”

“—like sending a Highway Patrol car for me at half past three in the morning unless it’s important.”

“But he didn’t say what?”

“Only that the FBI is involved, and that the whole Five Squad is dirty.”

“What’s the Five Squad?”

“The Narcotics Unit has sort of a special squad, the Five Squad, that works the more serious drug cases.”

“And you have to do whatever you’re going to do at half past three in the morning?”

“According to Coughlin, there’s some sort of time problem,” Callis said.

He didn’t say that. But that’s obviously what it has to be.

Callis walked into his bathroom and plugged in his electric razor.

As he was slapping aftershave on his face, he heard the wail of a far-off siren. It seemed to be getting closer, and then the sound died.

He went back into his bedroom, dressed, and leaned over the bed to kiss Gertrude.