“No. I told you. We never can locate it until too late.”

“So you don’t have a tape recording of what they talk about?”

“Obviously not.”

“They could be talking about anything? Something innocent? Like babies, for example?”

“Where are you going? We know goddamn well what they’re talking about. Setting up a meeting.”

“What I’m driving at is that you have nothing incriminating in these telephone calls, right?”

“I guess you’re right,” Matthews said after a moment’s hesitation. “So what? It’s not as if we need it.”

“What exactly have you got to tie the Reynolds woman to the bombing?”

“Accessory after the fact. You know that.”


“Did she have anything to do with the bombing itself?”

“She doesn’t have to. If she willingly aided the bombers, same thing. Why are you asking?”

“Maybe she could be reasoned with,” Matt began.

“Forget it. (a) They’re determined to try all of these people. And (b) you’re not authorized to make any kind of a deal.”

“Right. All I am is the local cop who does only what he’s told to do, right?”

“That’s it, Matt. You understood that going in.”

“So what did the Ollwood woman say on the phone, if anything?”

“Nothing worth anything. What we think is significant is that she’s called so often. Twice last night. What you have to do is alert us when you think she’s going to meet these people. We’ll take it from there.”

“Put a tail on her? Like those two clowns who tailed me?”

“What the hell is the matter with you? Why are you so belligerent?”

“Nothing personal, Jack. I guess I just don’t like the Imperial FBI telling me only those things you decide the dumb local cop can handle.”

“It’s not that way, Matt, and you should know it.”

“That’s what it feels like. Now, unless there’s something else, can I finish my breakfast?”

“You will call me if you learn anything, right?”

“Yeah, but don’t hold your breath. I’m not getting close.”

“All you have to do is stick as close to her as possible, and call me when you even suspect she’s going to meet with Chenowith.”

“Yeah, that I remember.”

“Are you going to see her today?”

