“I’m disappointed that you can see through me so easily,” Matt said. “But now that you know my darkest secrets, are you going to tell me yours, to even the playing field?”

“Would it crush you even more if I told you I wouldn’t give you my phone number, much less tell you my darkest secrets?”

“I already have your phone number,” Matt said.

“Unfortunately,” she said.

“When did you first realize you were falling in love with me? At Daffy’s?”

“Oh, how I wish I had never seen you at Daffy’s!”

“Then it must have been when some primeval force, stronger than both of us, brought you to my hotel-room door.”

“Do you ever stop?”

“Not when I’m on a roll.”

The waiter laid a wine list in front of Matt.

Matt looked at Susan.

“You never saw one of these before?” he asked innocently. “They’re quite common in Philadelphia.”

“Jesus Christ!”

“What’s your pleasure, Susan?” Matt asked.

“Whatever you like,” she replied.

Matt looked at the waiter.

“Have they got any Camembert in the kitchen? Or Roquefort?”

“I’m sure there’s Roquefort, sir. I’m not sure about the other.”

“Okay. Well, ask, and bring us one or the other, preferably both. And some crackers, and of course a cheese knife, and a bottle of this Turgeson Napa Valley cabernet sauvignon. And a couple of glasses, of course.”

“Yes, sir.”

“We just had dinner,” Susan said when the waiter had gone.

“But—you were so anxious to be alone with me—no dessert.”

“I was anxious to get you out of the house as soon as possible.”

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

“Before you said something you shouldn’t have.”

“Not fair, fair maiden. I held up my side of the bargain.”

After a moment, she said, “You’re right. You did. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Matt said. “That brings me to the other ‘thank-you’ you owe me.”

“For what?”

“For talking that Harrisburg uniform out of giving you a ticket for going sixty-five in a forty-mile-per-hour zone, thereby offending the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”