A. I don’t remember where I was at six, but from seven to about eight-thirty, I was interviewing people in connection with the Grover job.

38. Q. You were on duty, conducting an official investigation?

A. Right.

39. Q. And then what happened? When you went off duty at half past eight?

A. I went home, had some dinner, watched TV, and went to bed.

40. Q. Were you alone?

A. No. Helene, Mrs. Kellog was with me. She was home when I got there.

41. Q. Mrs. Kellog was with you all the time?

A. Yes. From the time I got home, a little before nine, until we went to work this morning.

42. Q. You were not out of each other’s company from say nine pm until say 8 am this morning?

A. Correct.

43. Q. Did you see anyone else during that period, 9 pm last night until 8 am today?

A. No.

44. Q. Is there anything at all that you could tell me that might shed light on the shooting death of Officer Kellog?

A. No.

45. Q. You have no opinion at all?

A. He was working Narcotics. If you find who did this, I’d bet it’ll have something to do with that.

46. Q. Can you expand on that?

A. I don’t know anything, if that’s what you mean. But I’ve heard the same talk you have.

47. Q. Captain Quaire?

A. (Captain Quaire) I can’t think of anything. Anybody else?

(There was no reply.)

75–331D (Rev.7/70) Page 648. Q. Thank you, Detective Milham.

A. Captain, I’m going to probably need some vacation time off.A. (Capt. Quaire) Sure, Wally. Just check in.

A. (Det. Milham) I don’t like sitting in here like this.

A. (Capt. Quaire) None of us like it, Wally.

75–331D (Rev.7/70) Page 7

* * *

“Thanks, Henry,” Staff Inspector Mike Weisbach said, taking a cup of coffee from Captain Henry Quaire in Quaire’s office.Quaire made a “It’s nothing, you’re welcome” shrug, and then met Weisbach’s eyes. “Is there anything else we can do for you, Inspector?”

“Tell me how you call this, Henry,” Weisbach said. “Out of school.”