“And why.”

“Off the air?”


“Payne’s car bothers me.”

“Could have been anybody.”

“Anybody who knew (1) Porsche (2) where he lived.”


“Back to somebody with access.”

“They could have been watching Monahan’s house.”

“Different people driving by.”

“Too many drive bys.”

“Back to somebody with access.”

“Somebody pretty sure of his own smarts.”

“The stun gun?”

“Why didn’t they just pop him?”

“Hold that one a minute.”

“No noise?”

“They could have hit him with an ax.”

“They didn’t want to kill him?”

“Hold that one too.”

“They didn’t give a shit when they blew the watchman away.”

“Maintenance man. Not watchman.”

“Did they think the firebomb would not be lethal?”

“Are they?”

“Hold that one too.”

“Why don’t burglars go armed?”

“Because breaking and entering isn’t murder one.”

“Christ, they already committed murder.”

“Define ‘they.’”

“The ones who hit Goldblatt & Sons Credit Furniture & Appliances, Inc.”