68. Q. (Detective Kramer) You said, screamed. That suggests pain.

A. Strike, screamed. Insert, shouted angrily.

69. Q. He angrily shouted, Get out of my way, motherfucker, or words to that effect. Is that what you mean to say?

A. He angrily shouted, Get out of my way, motherfucker. Those exact words.

70. Q. And then what happened?

A. Then he started shooting.

71. Q. You’re sure it was Charles D. Stevens who started shooting?

A. I am sure the man in the alley started shooting. He was subsequently identified as Charles D. Stevens.

72. Q. And?

A. He hit me. I got my gun out and started shooting back at him.

73. Q. Until he shot at you, your pistol was out of sight, in your overcoat pocket. Is that what you’re telling me?

A. Right.

74. Q. How many times did you fire your weapon?

A. Four times.

75. Q. You’re sure?

A. I’m sure.

76. Q. Was there any indication that any of your bullets struck Mr. Stevens?

A. Yes. He went down. Somebody, I don’t remember who, subsequently told me I had hit him twice.

77. Q. By, went down, do you mean he fell down in the alley?

A. Yes.

78. Q. What, if anything, did you then do?

A. I went to him to make sure he was down.

79. Q. You have stated you were wounded. Where were you wounded?

A. In the forehead and left calf.

80. Q. Since you were wounded, how did you manage, as you said you did, to go to Mr. Stevens?

A. I don’t know. Hobbled over, I suppose.

81. Q. Hobbled? What do you mean by, hobbled?

A. When I was shot, I fell down, fell against a wall, and then fell down. I had trouble getting to my feet. I was, sort of, on all fours.

82. Q. Sort of on all fours?

A. Yes, sort of on all fours. I finally got to my feet and went to the man I had shot.