A. I have permission to carry the Undercover.

25. Q. From whom?

A. From Inspector Wohl.

26. Q. For what purpose?

A. It’s easier to conceal, more concealable, than the Police Special.

27. Q. The Police Special being the .38 Special Caliber Smith & Wesson Military and Police revolver with four-inch barrel issued to you by the Police Department?

A. Yes.

28. Q. Have you undergone any official instruction, testing, and/or qualification involving the Smith & Wesson Undercover revolver with which you were armed on January 3 of this year?

A. I went through the prescribed course at the Po

lice Firearms Range before I was authorized to carry the Undercover revolver.

29. Q. With what type of cartridge was your Undercover revolver loaded at the time and date we’re talking about?

A. Standard Remington .38 Special cartridges, with a 158-grain round nose lead bullet.

30. Q. Where did you get that ammunition?

A. It was issued to me.

31. Q. It is the standard ammunition prescribed by regulation for the Undercover revolver?

A. So far as I know, for both of them. The Military and Police and the Undercover.

32. Q. What were your specific orders in regard to Mr. O’Hara?

A. Inspector Wohl told me to take Mr. O’Hara to Lieutenant Suffern.

33. Q. That is Lieutenant Edward J. Suffern, who is assigned to Special Operations?

A. Yes, sir.

34. Q. Go on.

A. Inspector Wohl told me to take Mr. O’Hara to Lieutenant Suffern, and to tell him that he had authorized Mr. O’Hara to accompany Lieutenant Suffern during the arrest, but that Mr. O’Hara was not to enter the building where Stevens was until he had been arrested.

35. Q. Who is Stevens?

A. Charles David Stevens. Also known as Abu Ben Mohammed. A warrant had been issued for his arrest in connection with an armed robbery and murder at Goldblatt’s furniture store.

36. Q. Were you charged with serving this warrant?

A. No. It was to be served by a Homicide detective, backed up by men under Lieutenant Suffern.

37. Q. You took Mr. O’Hara to Lieutenant Suffern?

A. Yes, I did.

38. Q. And then what happened?

A. Lieutenant Suffern said that Mr. O’Hara and myself should accompany him. When the time came, we got in his car and went with him.