“May I have the telephone, please?”

“It’s for official business only, like I told you before.”

“I’m Assistant District Attorney Stillwell. This is official business.”

She gave him a look that suggested she doubted him, but gave in.

“I’ll have the operator get the number for you, sir.”

“I don’t know the number. I want to talk to Inspector Wohl of Special Operations.”

The corrections officer obligingly searched for the number on her list of official telephones. It was not listed, and she so informed Farnsworth Stillwell.

“Check with information.”

Information had the number.

“Special Operations, may I help you?”

“This is Assistant District Attorney Stillwell. Inspector Wohl, please.”

“I’m sorry, sir. Inspector Wohl has gone for the day.”

“Do you have a number where he can be reached?”

“Just one moment, sir.”

“This is Lieutenant Kelsey. May I help you, sir?”

“This is Assistant District Attorney Stillwell. It’s important that I get in touch with Inspector Wohl.”

“I’m sorry, the inspector’s gone for the day. Is there something I can do for you, Mr. Stillwell?”

“Do you have a number where he can be reached?”

“No, sir.”

“You mean you have no idea where he is?”

“The inspector is on his way to Frankford Hospital, sir. But until he calls in, I won’t have a number there for him.”

“What about Sergeant Washington?”

“Are you referring to Detective Washington, sir?”

“I understood he was promoted.”

“Well, what do you know?

I hadn’t heard that.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“He’s at the Detention Center, sir. I can give you that number.”

“I’m at the Detention Center. He’s not here. That’s what I’m calling about.”

“Hold one, sir,” Lieutenant Kelsey said.