“It’s not too late, I suppose,” Helene said.

He considered that a moment.

“I think that’s a lost opportunity,” he said.

Damn, it would have given me an excuse to go see him.

“Well, maybe we could have him for drinks or dinner or something,” Helen said. “If it’s important.”

“We’ll see,” Farnsworth Stillwell said. “I’m going to get dressed.”

He had just started up the stairs when the telephone rang. Helene answered it.

“Mr. Farnsworth Stillwell, please,” a female voice said. “Mr. Armando Giacomo is calling.”

“Just a moment, please,” Helene said, and covered the mouthpiece with her hand.

“Are you home for a Mr. Giacomo?” she called.

“Armando Giacomo?” Stillwell asked, already coming back into the room.

She nodded. “His secretary, I think.”

Stillwell took the phone from her.

“This is Farnsworth Stillwell,” he said, and then, a moment later, “How are you, Armando? What can I do for you?”

The charm is on, Helene thought, Armando Whatsisname must be somebody else important in the party.

“Well, I must say I’m surprised,” Stillwell said to the telephone. “If I may say so, Armando, hiring you is tantamount to saying ‘I’m guilty as sin and need a genius to get me off.’”

There was a reply that Helene could not hear.

He’s wearing one of his patently insincere smiles. Whatever this was about, he doesn’t like it.

“Well, I’ll see you there, then, Armando,” Stillwell said. “I’m going to change my clothes and go over there. Helene and I are having dinner with Jack Thompson, and I have no idea how long the business at the Detention Center will take. I appreciate your courtesy in calling me.”

He absentmindedly handed her the handset.

“What was that all about?” Helene asked.

“That was Armando C. Giacomo,” he said.

“So the girl said. Who is Armando C. Giawhatever?”

A look of annoyance crossed his face, but he almost visibly made the decision to answer her.

“The top two criminal lawyers in Philadelphia, in my judgment, and practically everyone else’s, are Colonel J. Dunlop Mawson of the aforementioned Mawson, Payne, Stockton, McAdoo & Lester and Armando C. Giacomo. Giacomo telephoned to tell me he has been retained to represent the people the police arrested this morning.”

“That’s bad news, I gather.”

“Frankly, I would rather face some public defender six months out of law school, or one of the less expensive members of the criminal bar,” Stillwell said. “I don’t want to walk out of

the courtroom with egg all over my face. I’ll have to give this development some thought.”

He turned and left the room and went to their bedroom on the second floor.

Farnsworth Stillwell had several disturbing thoughts. Armando C. Giacomo was very good, and consequently very expensive. Like Colonel J. Dunlop Mawson, he had a well-earned reputation for defending, most often successfully and invariably with great skill, people charged with violation of the whole gamut of criminal offenses.