had previously had the pleasure of making Mrs. Stillwell’s acquaintance. He not only knew her Christian name, but a number of other intimate details about her.

Her name was Helene, and the last time he had seen her, she was putting her clothing back on in his apartment, whence they had gone from the Delaware Valley Cancer Society’s cocktail party.

“Hello,” Helene said. “I’m a little vague about the protocol here. Is it permitted to say I’m so sorry you’ve been shot?”

“This is my first time too,” Matt said. “I’m a little fuzzy about the protocol myself.”

She walked to the bed and offered him her hand.

“I’m sorry you’ve been shot.”

“Thank you. So am I,” Matt said.

“Are you all right?”

“Just fine.”

“We’re all sorry you’ve—this has happened,” Farnsworth Stillwell said. “And I must tell you, I feel to some degree responsible.”

“Nonsense,” Denny Coughlin said. “No one is responsible except the man who pulled the trigger.”

“I’m sorry we didn’t bring you anything,” Helene Stillwell said. “But I didn’t know who you were, what you would be like, and at this time of the morning—”

“It was good of you to come,” Matt said.

Helene finally took her hand back.

“We wanted you to know that we were concerned,” Stillwell said, “concerned and grateful.”

“I think we should let Officer Payne get some rest, darling,” Helene said.

“There are some members of the press outside who would like to have our picture together,” Farnsworth Stillwell said. “Would you feel up to that?”

Matt looked at Denny Coughlin, who shrugged and then nodded his head.

“Sure,” Matt said.

A photographer came into the room. He asked if the bed could be cranked up, and when it had, he suggested that Mr. Stillwell get on one side of him, and Mrs. Stillwell on the other. When they had done so, he suggested that they get closer to Matt. “It feels a little awkward, but the picture comes out better.”

When they had moved into the desired positions, they had to swap sides, so that Assistant District Attorney Stillwell and Officer Payne could shake hands. Mrs. Stillwell, in order to get closer, put her arm behind Officer Payne’s shoulders, a position that pressed her breast against his arm, and for a moment allowed her fingers to caress the back of his neck.

And then the flashbulb went off, Farnsworth Stillwell told Officer Payne that if he needed anything, anything at all, all he had to do was let him know, and they were gone.

“I don’t like that sonofabitch,” Denny Coughlin said, “but I wouldn’t be surprised if he really does get to be governor.”

“Really?” Matt asked.

“So how are you, Matty?” Denny Coughlin asked.

“Worried about my car,” Matt said, looking at Charley.

“I got it downstairs,” Charley said. “Aside from no radio, doors, or seats, it’s okay.”

“You’d better be kidding.”

“I got it downstairs, all in one piece. Inspector Wohl asked me to ask you where you want it.”

“In the garage under the apartment, please.”