“I was about to say no,” he said, finally, “but you’ve already told me I can’t, haven’t you?”

“Why don’t you call Lowenstein?” Wohl said.

“I believe you, Peter, for Christ’s sake,” Quaire said.

“Thank you,” Wohl said. “But maybe Lowenstein would like to think he’s not the only one pissed off about this.”

Quaire looked at him a moment, and then grunted.

He dialed a number from memory and told Chief Inspector Lowenstein that Staff Inspector Wohl was in his office, saying he wanted Detectives Washington and Harris transferred to Special Operations.

The reply was brief, and then Captain Quaire put the handset back in its cradle without saying good-bye.

“That was quick,” Peter said with a smile. “What did he say?”

“You don’t want to know,” Quaire said.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Okay,” Quaire said, with a strange smile. “‘Give the little bastard whatever he wants, and tell him I said I hope he hangs himself.’ End quote.”

“That’s all? He must be in a very good mood today,” Wohl said, smiling. But it’s not funny. Lowenstein is, understandably, angry, and if he thinks I’m abusing the authority Czernick and Coughlin gave me, I’ll pay for it. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, but sometime.

“So when would you like Detectives Washington and Harris?” Quaire asked.


“You mean today?” Quaire asked, incredulously.

“Yeah, and if they could keep their cars for a couple of days, until I can get cars for them, I’d appreciate it.”

Quaire thought that over for a moment.

“Inspector, I’m short of cars. If you tell me to let them keep their cars, I will, but—”

“Okay. I’ll work something out with the cars,” Wohl said. “But I want them today.”

“They’re working the streets,” Quaire said. “I’ll get word to them to come in here. And then I’ll send them out to you. Where are you, in Highway?”

“Yeah. Henry, there is a chance we can do something before that woman is…before the abduction turns into a homicide. That’s why I need them now.”

“What you’re saying is that you don’t like the way Northwest Detectives are handling the job,” Quaire said.

Now it was Wohl’s turn to consider his reply.

“I hadn’t thought about it quite that way, Henry. But yeah, I guess I am. The Northwest Philly rapist is out there somewhere; Northwest Detectives doesn’t seem to have been able to catch him. Look at the file—nothing.”

Quaire pushed the file across the desk to Wohl.

“I don’t want to look at that file, Inspector,” he said. “It’s none of my business.”

Wohl bit off the angry reply that popped into his mind before it reached his mouth. He picked up the file and stood up.

“Thank you, Captain,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” Captain Quaire said.

In the elevator on the way down to the lobby, Peter’s stomach growled, and then there was actually pain.