“What? Oh. No. No, thank God, he didn’t.”

“What did he do?”

“After a while he took it out, and sat back on his heels and…played with himself.”

“Did he ejaculate then?”

“All over me,” she said, almost moaning, “my face, my mouth, my chest…”

“You said he was hairy,” Hemmings asked. “Did you notice anything else? Were there any scars on his body? Any marks? Any tattoos? Anything like that?”

“I was trying not to look at him.”

“You had your eyes closed all this time?”

“He pushed me with the knife and made me open them,” she said. “He said he wanted me to watch.”

“And after he had masturbated, what did he do?”

“He sat there, on my legs, for a while, and then he got off and put his overalls, coveralls, back on.”

“Did he go to the bathroom, anything like that?”

“He went to the bathroom on me,” she said, in mingled horror and fury. “He got off me, off the bed, and then stood by the side of it and…pissed all over me.”

“He stood by the side of the bed and urinated on you. Before or after he put his coveralls back on?”

“Before,” she said.

“And you didn’t see any markings of any kind on his body?”

“I told you already, no.”

“And then what happened?”

“He cut me loose and made me roll over, and then he tied me up again,” she said.

“When Officer Dohner found you, Miss Flannery, your hands were tied with lamp cord. Do you remember where he got that?”

“No,” she said.

“He cut the panty hose with which you were tied, is that right? He didn’t untie you?”

“He tried,” she said. “And then when he couldn’t, he got mad. And then he got even madder when he couldn’t find any more panty hose. He pulled the dresser drawer all the way out and threw it on the floor.”

“And after he had tied your hands behind you, what did he do?”

“He said we were going for a little ride, he wanted everybody to—”

“To what?”

“To have a look at me.”

“Are those, more or less, his exact words?”

“He said he wanted everybody to see…my private parts, and to see his come all over me.”

“Then what?”