He then noticed that there were two Thompson submachine guns leaning upright in the corner within Vito’s reach.

Even more American-made weapons.

Canidy looked back at Palasota and said, “Yeah. I met the Buda brothers through their cousin, Frank Nola.”

“I am familiar with Francisco.”

“You are? Have you seen him?”

“Not in quite a while. No one seems to have. I was wondering about that.”

“I need to find him.”

“You want to tell me what that’s all about?”

Honest answer? I don’t know. Do I?

And what exactly do I tell you?

I don’t even know who the hell you are.

Be very careful, Dick, because you really don’t know how much devil you’re dancing with here.

Palasota picked up the letter.

“Okay, then you want to tell me where you got this?”

Canidy reached into his jacket and came out with Luciano’s handkerchief.

“Same place I got this,” he said, handing it to Palasota.

Palasota examined it briefly and nodded.

“Look,” he said, tossing the handkerchief on the letter of introduction, “I’m not doubting these. I happen to know they’re the real deal. I’m just asking for some background. You’re American, obviously. But you’re not one of Hoover’s G-men.”

“How do you know?”

“Trust me, I know. For one, they don’t have the guts to be behind enemy lines. And even if they did, and they actually did something, J. Edgar couldn’t call a press conference and brag about it.”

Canidy chuckled.

“So,” Palasota went on, “if you’re not FBI, I’m guessing some kind of military intelligence. Am I close?”

“I’m a friend of Frank Nola, as I said, and I’m trying to find him. That’s all I’m going to give you right now.”

“Well, that much Antonio gave Vito. That and he said Nola told him that you have risked your life for the family and for Sicily. So, now you and I have an honorable understanding.” He gestured at the handkerchief and letter. “Thanks to our mutual friends, that makes you gli amici. Capiche?”

Canidy grinned.

“You find something funny about that?” Palasota said evenly.

“No. It’s just that that’s almost the same exact friend-of-a-friend speech I got from a wise guy who runs Fulton Fish Market in New York City.”

Palasota then grinned.

“Aha! So it was Tommy Socks who got you to Charley Lucky?”

They locked eyes a long moment.