“I will explain later, if that is acceptable.”

Kappler didn’t respond to that. After a moment, he said, “What happened with the radio operator?”

“I like to believe,” Müller began, carefully choosing his words, “that I am faithfully living up to Der Führer’s order about how enemy commandos are to be handled.”

Immediately executed, Kappler thought.

Or, if interrogation is necessary, immediately after that.

With you, I should have known . . .

“As insurance, I have him locked up,” Müller said. “To satisfy Der Führer’s order, it is arguable that I continue with his interrogation.”

Then you didn’t kill? That’s a first.

What’s the real reason for that?

Müller then looked to Burger.

“Anything, Günther?”

“We got a contact this morning, Herr Sturmbannführer. It was not much but came in very clear and strong. That storm last night must have cleared the air.”

“What did they say?”

“Just that they were checking in and would be in touch later with some important questions.”

“What did you tell them?”

“That we’d be waiting. And that we’d probably need additional supplies.”

Müller grinned.

He looked at Kappler and explained.

“Supplies are our little code word for more bribes.”

Müller looked back at Burger.

“Let’s give it a little test. When they contact again, Günther, send a request for an airdrop. Ask for some gold and Italian lire. Tell him”—he looked at Kappler and grinned—“that you’re trying to bribe the head SS officer in Messina.”

Here he goes again like Göring . . .


Palermo, Sicily

0915 31 May 1943

Dick Canidy stood watching the midget knock on a heavy metal door.

The man had led him on what seemed a circuitous route from the storage room, taking what clearly were hidden passageways. They occasionally offered glimpses of the public spaces of the whorehouse.

After leaving the storage room, they first passed through a laundry room and then a kitchen. Some workers acknowledged the midget as they passed, but did not seem to pay any particular attention to Canidy.

It’s as if Shorty does this on a regular basis.

They had then taken a back hallway, passing a couple of attractive young women. They exchanged greetings with the midget as they passed.