Antonio shrugged and shook his head.

“No Francisco,” he said.

Canidy exhaled audibly.

“No Francisco?” Canidy repeated.

Antonio shook his head again.

Canidy then once more pointed at Antonio, then at his own eyes, then said, “Tubes?”

Antonio shook his head.

Damn it! But at least he didn’t let rip with another window-rattling fart. . . .

Canidy repeated the miming and said, “Andrea?”

Antonio’s face seemed to turn sad at the mention of his sister. Then he shook his head.

All three of them? He hasn’t seen a single one? Not even his sister?

What could that mean? Certainly nothing good . . .

And now where the hell do I look?

Maybe check the port and Nola’s warehouse? Could ask Antonio if there’s more T-83—what he calls “buh-lets.” That has to happen at some point.

But then what? I guess just go back and see if John Craig has raised Tubes or whoever on Mercury Station, then try to track the signal.

Wait . . . the hooker!

John Craig said that Tubes wrote him about a whorehouse. Tubes didn’t find that on his own. Nola had to show him. And if Nola knows where it is, so should his cousin.

Canidy then pointed again at Antonio, then at his own eyes . . . then paused.

Okay, how the hell do I mime “whorehouse” without looking like a fool?

In point of fact, how the hell do I mime anything without looking like a fucking fool?

He looked back at Antonio, who appeared to be waiting somewhat anxiously for his next clue.

Wait . . . that’s it!

He then slipped the .45 inside his waistband at the small of his back.

Canidy then smiled and started over.

He pointed at Antonio, then at his own eyes, then with his right hand, he made a circle with the index finger and thumb and then poked his left index finger in and out of the circle.

“Sí?” he said, and repeated the poking motion.

Antonio’s eyes grew huge and his body seemed to quiver.

Antonio then very loudly and very angrily said, “Andrea?”

Oh, shit!

Then, hands and arms flying, he let loose with a rapid-fire barrage of what Canidy decided were probably very colorful Sicilian longshoreman expletives.