Jesus Christ, Tweedle Dee! That was special.

But I guess that’s to be expected of one so damn big.

What goes in . . .

Then Antonio leaned back—and there came a second episode, one lasting nearly as long.

Is he going to shit his shorts next?

What was that—from the wine?

Or from being nervous because he’s looking down the muzzle of a .45?

Antonio then grimaced and made a shrug that could have been meant as an apology.

Canidy sighed. After a moment he reached inside his jacket.

He came out with the envelope containing Charley Lucky’s handkerchief and letters of introduction. He gave Antonio the letter that was written in Sicilian.

Keeping his left hand high, Antonio took the letter in his right, read it, looked Canidy in the eyes, and nodded, then handed it back.

Canidy, after returning the envelope to his pocket, then carefully put his left thumb and index finger on either side of the hammer of his .45, squeezed the trigger, and gently decocked the weapon.

Then he motioned for Antonio to put down his hands.

When Antonio had, Canidy made a thumbs-up gesture, and as he did so, a wave of relief flowed over Antonio’s face. He responded with a thumbs-up, and added a weak smile.

“Where is Francisco Nola?” Canidy said, remembering that the Brothers Buda understood a little English—very little.

“Francisco?” Tweedle Dee said, turning his head and seeming to somewhat understand.

Is Tweedle Dee now playing Tweedle Dumb?

“Francisco,” Canidy repeated. “Where is he?”

Antonio shook his head and shrugged.

Oh, this is just fucking great. Conversing with Nola—who also has a room temperature IQ—was never exactly stimulating.

Is he saying he doesn’t know where, or doesn’t understand what I’m asking?

Now what do I do?

Oh, what the hell. It’s worth a try. . . .

Using his left hand, Canidy then pointed at Antonio, then pointed at his own eyes, then said, “Francisco?”

Antonio stared blankly back with his bloodshot eyes.

Canidy shook his head.

Where is Marcel Marceau when you need the sonofabitch?

Canidy thought he then noticed a flicker of recognition in Antonio’s eyes.

He knows?

And then Antonio leaned forward and had a short episode of flatulence.