He was about to suggest that they make a detour and pass through it, looking for any evidence of mass graves. But then he decided that that wasn’t necessary. He really wanted to get an eyeball on the harbor.

It should tell me everything I need to know.

Twenty minutes later, they reached the outskirts of a hamlet. The main road cut through its score of low, brightly painted buildings constructed of masonry.

“Palermo?” Fuller said.

Canidy realized that that was the first thing that Tubes had said since he had chastised him.

Then Canidy thought, Not Palermo. Too small.

“This is Arenella,” Nola announced softly. “We are more than halfway there. Only about another kilometer.”

“You okay with your gear, Tubes?” Canidy asked Fuller. “Need to trade, or take a break?”

“I’m fine,” Fuller replied. “Thanks.”

So he’s not pissed anymore, Canidy thought. Good.

“And Adolf and Eva are still kicking,” Fuller added. “I know you’d want to know.”

“Thanks,” Canidy said.

With Nola still in the lead and Fuller bringing up the rear, they passed Arenella, staying on the path between its outer edge and the seashore.

Canidy kept looking for lights. And kept finding nothing but black night.

But it is—what?—maybe three, four in the morning.

Normal people are asleep at this hour.

Suddenly, Nola made a noisy grunt—and stumbled forward.

Find a nice rock there, Frank?

Canidy whispered, “You okay?”

Then, just ahead of Canidy’s feet, there came the painful moaning of a strange man’s voice.

Canidy stopped in his tracks. He brought out his pistol as he crouched down beside some shrubs off the trail. He let his duffel slip to the ground.

Seconds later, Canidy heard Fuller coming up the path fast, and, with his left arm, Canidy motioned for Fuller to get behind him.

“Get your penlight,” Canidy whispered to Fuller.

More moaning came from the man on the path.

“You okay, Frank?” Canidy called.

Far up the path, a tiny beam of light appeared. It was aimed at the ground; then it illuminated what looked like the box that held the mice.

Faintly, but clearly, Canidy heard Nola’s worried tone: “Dammit!”

He must have hauled ass after he fell.

Whatever it is, it scared the shit out of Frank…or still is.

Then it occurred to him that Nola could get in the line of fire.