She looked at him and saw in his eyes that he was telling the truth.

"I'm not thrilled about you being my control, frankly," Whittaker said.

"But it was the only way I could think of to get you out of that school."

"Why did you do that?" Cynthia snapped.

"What gave you the right?"

"I already told you," he said.

"I love you, and all's fair in love and war. This seems to be both, so anything goes."

"Damn you, Jimmy!" she said, furious that she felt like crying.

"That may pose certain problems between us, Captain," Hammersmith said.

"How is that?" Whittaker asked.

"I'm in love with her, too," Greg Hammersmith said.

"Oh, Greg!" Cynthia said.

"From this point, then. Lieutenant, you are advised not to turn your back on me," Whittaker said.

"Fair enough," Hammersmith said.

"You look vaguely familiar to me, Lieutenant," Whittaker said.

"Do we know each other?"

"No, Sir," Hammersmith said.

"He's the actor. Captain," Chief Ellis said.

"Greg Hammer?"

"Oh, yeah," WTiittaker said.

"I'll be damned. How'd a movie star get in the oss?"

"I'm a friend of Stan Fine's," Hammersmith said.

"When the Army announced that I would be stationed as an instructor at Fort Monmouth for the indefinite future, I asked him to get me out of it."

"I'm really sorry you told me that," Whittaker said.

"I always find it difficult to cut the throats of friends of friends of mine."

"Catch me asleep," Hammersmith said.

"I'm very vulnerable when I'm asleep."

"You just volunteered to run around in the Philippines, Lieutenant," Whittaker said.

"How do you feel about that?"

"I thought I had to prove I was a radio wizard first," Hammersmith said.