She wondered what his destination was, and when they had passed the checkpoint, she asked him.

"I don't know," he said.

Cynthia leaned forward and asked the driver, "Where are you taking Lieutenant Hammersmith?"

"The house on Q Street," the driver replied.

"He's to see Chief Ellis."

"What's the 'house on Q Street'?" Greg Hammersmith asked.

"It's a mansion near Rock Creek Park," she said.

"We use it as both a safe house and sort of a hotel for transients."

"You've been there before, I gather."

"I used to run it," she said.

"And am I permitted to ask where you're going?" he asked.

"I'm going there too," she said.

"And am I permitted to ask why?"

"No," she said.

"I'm sorry."

"Then, in the short time remaining to us, Miss Chenowith--" he began.

"Don't, Greg," she said.

"Please don't--" "What I was going to say, you have apparently figured out all by yourself," he said.

She looked at him and met his eyes, then averted her eyes and avoided looking at him on the rest of the way to Washington.

When she walked into the kitchen, she asked the cook if Chief Ellis was around.

"In the dining room with Captain Whittaker," the cook replied.

"Come on, Greg," Cynthia said, aware that her temper was up and not caring.

Captain Whittaker and Chief Ellis were eating either a late breakfast or an early lunch. They were having eggs with their steaks, she saw, so it had to be breakfast.

"I think you know Miss Chenowith, Chief," Whittaker said when he saw her.

"Otherwise known as "Superwoman." And I don't know the name of the gentleman with her, but he is the one who almost came to her aid when I publicly humiliated her."

"Damn you!" Cynthia flared.

"My name is Hammersmith," Greg said coldly.

'"My name is Hammersmith, Sir,"" Whittaker said.

"We try very hard to observe the military amenities around here, don't we. Chief?"

"Yes, Sir," Ellis said.