"We need to send somebody in there who can separate fact from fantasy, and then come out armed with facts on which further decisions can be made," Donovan said.

"The basic fact of guerrilla warfare is that one guerrilla can tie down at least seven troops...."

"So you keep telling me," Roosevelt said.

"And you think Jimmy is the man to go to the Philippines, have a look around, and then come out?"

"Yes," Donovan said.

"And since the Japanese are listening to the guerrilla radio, and since there is no way we can code what we are sending, how do you propose to let the people in the Philippines know where and when he's coming? With the Japanese listening in, I mean?"

"We're working on that, Franklin," Donovan said.

"The translation of which is/we hope to think of something'?"

Donovan didn't reply.

"And you're willing to put your neck in the noose again, Jimmy?" Roosevelt asked.

"Being very cold-blooded about it," Whittaker said, "I seem to be the round peg for that round hole."

"You already escaped once from the Philippines," Roosevelt said.

"How often do you think you can do that?"

"I hear that Jimmy nearly got himself blown away during the Makin Island Raid," Whittaker replied.

'"Blown away?"" Roosevelt said.

"Interesting euphemism." It was obvious that he was making his decision.

"All right," he said finally.

"Do it. I'll avoid telling George Marshall as long as I can. And I don't think we should tell Douglas MacArthur until you come out."

"Thank you, Mr. President," Donovan said.

Roosevelt was not through.

"And come out you will. Jimmy. You understand that? You will go in there, and have a look around, and come out. You may consider that a direct order."

"I suppose that means I'll have to go freeze my ass learning how to get into a rubber boat from a submarine?" Whittaker asked.

Roosevelt and Donovan chuckled.

"Now we get down to price," Whittaker said.

"I have a price."

"Everybody else seems to," Roosevelt said dryly.

"What's yours?"

"Cynthia Chenowith is my control," Whittaker said.

"Reporting directly to Colonel Donovan."

"I think I see a hook in there," Roosevelt said.