"Garvey's been talking to him on the radio," Ellis said.

Whittaker's face fit up with curiosity.

"He's in the mountains of Mindanao," Ellis said.

"He says there's an army sergeant named Withers with him."

"I knew a guy named Withers over there," Whittaker said.

"You want to find out if it's the same one?" Ellis said.

"I don't think this is just idle curiosity on your part," Whittaker said.

Ellis shrugged.

"How could we do that?" Whittaker asked.

"You got time to take a ride over to the Navy commo facility in Virginia?"

Ellis asked.

"You're starting to act like Captain Douglass," Whittaker said.

"You answer questions with another question."

"Well, I don't 'manifest a belligerent and uncooperative attitude,"" Ellis said.

"Is that what that sonofabitch said?" Whittaker asked.

"There was more," Ellis said.

"There was something about 'subjecting a trainee to a humiliating public display of affection." Two pages, single spaced."

"Has the Colonel seen it?" Whittaker asked.

"Not yet," Ellis said.

"I intercepted it. I can lose it, but Baker's going to expect some kind of a reply, so you better start thinking about that. And about the fact that the Colonel thinks you're in Virginia running around in the woods."

"Hmmm," Whittaker said, considering that.

"You want to take a run over to Virginia?" Ellis asked.

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure," Whittaker said. He turned to put the pool cue in its rack.

"We'll have lunch on the way," he said.

"I want to go to that three-for-a-quarter hamburger place."

"White Castle?" Ellis asked incredulously.

"White Castle," Whittaker confirmed happily.

"And eat a dollar's worth, with a large fries and a Dr. Pepper."

"Maybe Baker's right," Ellis said.

"He says he thinks you may be crazy."