"If he's using one of these things, it'll take him a minute."

He held up a Device, Cryptographic, M94. He'd had a hell of a time finding one and had annoyed the Presidio of San Francisco no end by requisitioning theirs.

Five minutes later, MFS came back on the air, and the radioman second quickly typed it.


It didn't take Ellis long to work the Device, Cryptographic, M94; there had been one on the Panay.

"Hot damn!" he said, after a minute. Then he ordered: "Send "We are ready for your traffic,"" and then he corrected himself.

"No, send "Welcome to the net, we are ready for your traffic."" Then, without asking permission. Chief Ellis picked up the telephone and told the Navy operator to get him Mrs. Mary Fertig in Golden, Colorado.

The telephone operator said that no long-distance calls could be placed

without the authority of the communications officer and an authorization number.

"I'm going to need an authorization number," Ellis said to the communications officer.

The Admiral motioned for Ellis to hand him the telephone.

"This is Admiral Sendy," he said to the telephone.

"Put the call through."

In Golden, Colorado, Mrs. Mary Fertig answered her telephone.

"Ma'am," Ellis said.

"This is Chief Ellis. You remember me?"

Of course she remembered him. He had telephoned late the night before and said he couldn't tell her why he wanted to know, but could she give him the full name and date of birth of her oldest child? He had waked her up, and she hadn't been thinking too clearly, so she had given it to him. Later, she had worried about it. There were all kinds of nuts and sick people running loose.

"Yes, I remember you, Chief," Mrs. Fertig said somewhat warily.

"What do you want now?"

"Ma'am," the salty old chief bosun's mate said, "we're in contact with your husband. I thought maybe you'd want to say something to him."

"Where is he?" she asked, very softly.

"Somewhere in the Philippines, that's all we know," Ellis said. Then he said, "Wait a minute."

The radioman second had handed him a brief decrypted message.



Ellis read it over the telephone.

It took Mrs. Pertig a moment to reply, and then, when she spoke, it was with an audible effort to control her voice.

"My husband, Chief Ellis," she said, "is on the island of Mindanao. We used to go there to play golf at the course on the Dole Plantation. And we ate pineapples for breakfast."


Shepheard's Hotel Cairo, Egypt 23 January 1943