He told himself they had their orders too, even if those orders were to make a fucking movie. And now that he had calmed down a little, he understood that he had been something of a prick to them.

They were still several hundred miles from the position in the Pacific where he was authorized to open envelope "2," but he went to the safe and got it anyway. Maybe, once he knew where they were going, he would be able to suggest to the movie stars something they could take pictures of. Maybe would make up for his having acted like a horse's ass.

He tore the envelope open.

commander submarine force pacific pearl harbor, territory OP hawaii

To: Commanding Officer USS Drum SS228

1. By Direction of the President, you will proceed to the Island of Mindanao, Territory of the Philippines, and there put ashore, at such place and at such time as he may designate, Captain James M. B. Whifctaker, US&AC, and such personnel and equipment as be may desire.

2. While the nature of Captain Whittaker's duties while ashore in the Philippines are classified and are not to be inquired into, you are hereby informed that his duties have the highest, priority, and that the entire efforts of the Drum and its crew are to be devoted to its accomplishment, to the exclusion of all else.

3. After putting Captain Whittaker and his party ashore, you will put out to sea to a position determined by Captain Whittaker where you will maintain a radio communications schedule with Captain Whittaker, or his designate, at such times as he may require.

4. On receipt of the appropriate orders from Captain Whittaker, you will take him, and whomsoever else be designates, together with whatever materiel and/or equipment he may designate, from the shore of Mindanao at such time and place as he may designate. You will then transport him and boarded personnel and/or equipment and materiel to such destination as he designates.

5. You are specifically forbidden to engage in any action against the enemy unless specifically authorized to engage by Captain Whittaker.

6. You are directed to ensure by whatever means necessary that your officers and crew understand both the

priorities of this mission, its classification and the absolute necesaity that it remain TOP SECRET.

By direction;


Geoffrey H. Keene, Rear Admiral, VSS

Commander Lennox said," Oh, shit}" so loudly and with such fervor that his voice penetrated the baize curtain that served as the door to his cabin and could be heard above the rumble of the diesel.

The chief of the boat put his head past the curtain.

"You called, Captain?"

"Moaned was more like it," Lennox said.

"Would you tell the exec to come here right away, Chief? And then ask the Army officers to join me at their convenience?"

"Aye, aye, Sir," the chief of the boat said.

"And I'll want you in on this, too, Chief," Lennox said.

Everyone was there in a matter of minutes.

"Chief, I don't want anybody using the passage while this is going on," Lennox said.

"Put some guards out, and then come back in here."

When they were all crowded into the tiny cabin, waiting to hear what he had to say, Lennox said:

"Except to announce that I really showed my ass a while back, for which I apologize, I don't really know what to say. May I have your permission to show my orders to my exec and the chief of the boat, Captain Whittaker?"

"I think that would be a good idea," Whittaker said.

The chief of the boat read the orders over the exec's shoulder. Both of them registered surprise on their faces but said nothing.

"No questions?