"I have been thinking, Ronald Reagan--" he began.

"I saw the furrowed brow," Hammersmith interrupted, "and it's "Greg Hammer."

Ronny Reagan is the one they call the "Errol Flynn of the B movies."" "Right," Whittaker said.

"Hammer, as in the baking soda."

"Now you've got it," Hammersmith said.

"What have you been thinking, 0 worthy leader?"

"That despite my initial unflattering impression of you, you may be reasonably trustworthy after all."

"Oh, thank you. Sir."

"To the point where I would feel comfortable in leaving you in sole charge of Radioman Garvey while I escort the lady to her hotel."

"I can get to the hotel by myself," Cynthia protested.

They ignored her.

"So that you can protect our girl from the unwanted attentions of sailors in the Mark Hopkins?"

"Correct," Whittaker said.

"I have heard all sorts of tales about sex-starved naval officers making indecent proposals to unaccompanied young ladies such as Miss Chenowith, right in the lobby of the Mark Hopkins."

"We couldn't have that, could we?" Greg replied.

"You sneaky sonofabitch."

""You sneaky sonofabitch, Sir,"" Whittaker corrected him.

The two men, pleased with their own wit, smiled at each other, which infuriated Cynthia.

"I don't need an escort," Cynthia said.

"The way she says that," Whittaker replied, "you'd think she thinks I have designs on her body, wouldn't you?"

"I don't think you're funny, Jimmy," she said.

"Let's go," he said.

"We have an early day tomorrow."

He took her arm when he put her into the Navy car, but as soon as Greg had gotten out at the hangar, he slid away from her on the seat, so that their hips were no longer pressing together. And he did not try to hold her hand, put his arm around her, or kiss her on the way to the hotel.

He did speak to the driver:

"How are we going to get Miss Chenowith back out to Mare Island in the morning?"

"My orders are to stick with you, Sir, until you get on the plane."

"All night?"

"Well, you go get yourself some sleep," Whittaker ordered.

"Be at the hotel at 0400. I'll catch a cab back out there tonight."