"I don't know, Captain," the burly man said.

"I think I better see what the duty officer has to say" "Hey," Whittaker said, smiling, but with a layer of steel just beneath the surface.

"I said, I'll take care of Garvey."

"Not only am I a much faster operator than the lieutenant," Garvey said, "but you'll be working a Navy net--" "Garvey!

"Whittaker said, sharply.


"Sssshhhh," Whittaker said.

"Yes, shir," Garvey said obediently. Hammersmith laughed. Garvey looked at him with hurt eyes.

"That will be all, thank you," Whittaker said to the burly man.

"You understand, Captain, that I'll have to make a report of this," the burly man said.

"You just report that you turned him over to me," Whittaker said evenly.


"Yes, Sir," the burly man said after a moment's hesitation. Then he left the kitchen.

Garvey was making a valiant and unsuccessful effort to stand at attention.

He swayed.

"If I may make a suggestion?" It. Hammersmith said.

"By all means," Capt. Whittaker said.

"Why don't we each take one arm and guide him to a place of rest? Before he falls down, I mean?"

"Splendid suggestion, Lieutenant," Whittaker said, as he made for Garvey.

They had just about made it to the kitchen door when it swung inward and Cynthia Chenowith came in.

"What in the world?" she demanded.

"You remember Garvey, of course, Cynthia?" Whittaker said.

"He's drunk!" Cynthia said.

"Didn't I tell you Cynthia was perceptive?" Whittaker said.

"what's he doing here?" Cynthia said.

"Where are you taking him?"

"We're putting him to bed," Hammersmith said.

"Not here, you're not," Cynthia said.

"I'm going to get Chief Ellis back here Ad let him handle this."

"Don't be a bitch, Cynthia," Whittaker said.