"Am I expected to salute?"

"We don't salute around here," Baker said.

"Neither do we wear insignia of rank or branch of service."

"Can I ask you a question?" Whittaker asked.

"What are you doing here? Well, that's very simple. You haven't gone through the course and..."

"What is Cynthia Chenowith doing running around in fatigues and carrying a Springfield?"

"Isn't that self-evident? She's going through the course. And doing rather well. Frankly, much better than I expected she would."

"To what end?" Whittaker asked.

"Again, isn't that self-evident?"

"You're out of your fucking mind, Eldon," Whittaker said matter-of factly

"What the hell is the matter with you?"

"I had hoped that our relationship would be amicable," Baker said.

"You're making that difficult."

"Are you telling me you seriously propose to send that girl out operationally?"

Whittaker asked.

"Nothing specific at the moment, but when the opportunity presents itself..."

"And Bill Donovan's going along with that insane notion?"

"Obviously, it has Colonel Donovan's approval," Baker said.

"And, as obviously, it's really none of your business, is it?"

"I'm making it my business," Whittaker said.

"Have you some explanation for not coming here as you were directed to do?" Baker said.

"You will notice I have changed the subject."

"I don't have to explain anything to you, Eldon," Whittaker said.

"I don't work for you. I don't even know what I'm doing in the States."

There was more, Whittaker thought, than simple chemistry to explain why he had disliked Eldon Baker from the moment he had met him. He could prepare a long list of Things-Wrong-with-Eldon-Baker, headed by Baker's ruthlessness, and running down to such items as pompous, overbearing, and the compleat bureaucrat, but it was the chemistry primarily responsible for the inevitable verbal flare-ups whenever they were together.

Baker now chose to tolerate Whittaker.

"There's a mission envisioned for you," he said.

"What kind of a mission?"

Baker ignored the question.

"Prior to which it has been decided that you will go through the course."