"Where's Eddie! "He had to work," Sarah said, "but he should be home by one o'clock."

"Where's your friend Canidy?" Ann asked. "God only knows," Doug lass said.

"He works for my father. Whatever they're doing, they're not supposed to talk about it, and they don't. When we find somewhere where there's a phone, I'll see if I can run him down."

Wonderful! Ann thought.

... They were well into the District before Doug lass happened to glance at the fuel gauge.

"Does the fuel gauge work?" he asked. Ann giggled. "If it does, we're running on the fumes," Doug lass went on. "Sarah's out of ration coupons," Ann said. "Well, we'll just have to get some on the black market," Doug lass said, "How does that fit in with your patriotism?"

Ann asked innocently. "What's running out of gas got to do with the patriotism?" Doug lass asked. Ann and Charity were now both giggling.

And then Doug lass suddenly pulled the car to a curb. "Don't tell me we're out of gas?" Ann asked. "Not yet," Doug lass said.

"Just almost. There's a cop. I'm going to ask him. "Ask him what?"

"Where I can get some gas," Doug lass said. He got out of the car and walked toward a policeman. In a minute, Doug lass was back behind the wheel. "There's a Shell station," he said.

"Second right, and then two blocks up on the left. He said he wasn't sure if they had coupons too, but he thought they did." Fifteen minutes later, the fuel gauge of the Cadillac indicated past full, and there was a sheet of ration coupons in the glove compartment. Sarah wasn't pleased, but she didn't say anything.

When they got to the Willard, Ed was already there, and Admiral Hawley was with him. "I didn't want to intrude on this reunion," the admiral said. "But I did want to meet you and shake your hand, Major Doug lass.

That was an incredible bit of flying you did when you picked Ed up."

With genuine modesty, Doug lass down played what he had done, but there was no question in anyone's mind, least of all Sarah's, that Doug Doug lass was a storybook hero. There were drinks. Then, without asking, Sarah called room service and ordered shrimp salads-it was too hot to eat anything else-and the THE SECRET WARRIORS 0 ITS women watched while Doug lass and Ed, using hand movements, explained the fine points of attacking a Japanese bomber formation in diving sweeps to the admiral.

It was nearly two-thirty before the admiral left. Ann decided it was time then to again bring up Dick Canidy-before Doug lass and Ed Bitter had more to drink. Doug lass settled himself comfortably on one of a pair of couches facing a low table that was in front of the fireplace.

After Charity had brought him another drink and Ann the telephone, he consulted a small pocket notebook for the number and dialed it. Ann moved close so that she could hear both ends of the conversation.

"Liberty 6-4133," a male voice said. "Captain Peter Doug lass, please," Doug lass said. "May I ask who's calling? " "This is Major Peter Doug lass, Jr.," Doug said. "Oh, sure, just a moment, Major, I'll ring."

"Captain Doug lass's office," a female voice said. "This is Major Doug lass. May I speak with my father, please?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Major, he's in conference. I could interrupt, but it would be better if you could call back in an hour." Damn! Ann thought.

In an hour he's either going to be drunk, or else in a closet somewhere with Charity, or both. "Miss Chenowith in there with him?"

"No, she's not."

"Could you switch me to her?" There were some clicking noises, and then another female voice came on the line. "Twenty-eight," she said.

"Cynthia, this is Doug Doug lass."

"Well, we've been expecting you, Major. How was the flight? I guess you need a ride. Where are you?"

"The flight was fine, thank you," he said.

"But what I need is Dick Canidy's phone number. My dad's holding yet another conference and won't be free for an hour."

"He's not here," Cynthia Chenowith said. "Where is he?" There was a perceptible hesitation before she replied.

"Actually, he's in New jersey."

"Will you give me the number, please?"

There was a longer hesitation before she finally gave him the number.