The canopy was back and they could see the pilot clearly as he taxied into position. He was bareheaded and wearing sunglasses. Ten red-and white Japanese Meatballs and the legend "Major Doug Doug lass" were painted on the nose of the fuselage. "Now, there's a sight," Charity Hoc he said softly, "that would make the Virgin Mary, much less any red-blooded American fe male patriot say, this one-jump on her back and spread her knees."

"Charity!" Sarah said. Ann Chambers grinned.

"I think that's yours, Charity," she said.

"Say thank you to Sarah."

"Thank you, Sarah," Charity said. "I don't know you two," Sarah said, trying hard to suppress a smile. "I'm glad he didn't hear her," Ann said.

"But she's right, Sarah. Nature takes care of that, making the warriors powerfully attractive before they go off to get killed. She wants them to impregnate the maidens while they stiff can." Sarah looked at her, "Are you trying to say that's what you think happened to me?"

"If the shoe fits, Cinderella." Ann laughed. When she saw that Doug lass had shut the P-38 down and climbed down to the ground, she reached over and tapped the Cadillac's horn: Shave and a haircut, two bits. It caught Doug lass's attention, and after a moment's confusion he smiled, waved, and, ignoring the people who were now fussing over the engine that had faded, walked over to the fence. Ann stepped out of the car, then Charity, and finally Sarah, carrying Joe.

"You're Sarah," Doug Doug lass said.

"I've seen your picture." He now had a battered cap on the back of his head and was wearing a battered horsehide jacket on the front of which was painted the Flying THE SECRET WARRIORS 8 Ila Tiger insignia. On its back was a Chinese flag and an extensive legend in Chinese calligraphy.

"What happened out there?" Sarah asked.

"I blew a jug in my right fan," he said.

"That's why I was late. "What does that

mean?" Charity asked breathlessly.

"He lost a cylinder in the engine," Ann explained.

"And I know who you are, then," Doug lass said to Ann.

"You're the one with the stagger-wing Beech. Canidy told me about you."

" Guilty," Ann said.

I must be in love, she thought. All it took to get my heart thumping was to hear that sonofabitch has been talking about me. "And I'm Charity," Charity said, brushing lint off her sweater front and looking right into his eyes. "God, I hope so!" Doug lass said.

"Well, ladies, your welcome makes me feel like a conquering hero."

"That was the intention," Sarah said.

Doug lass took a close look at the baby.

"I hate to tell you this," he sai , "but he looks like his father."

"He's handsome, you mean," Sarah said.

Doug lass laughed.

"It'll take me a couple of minutes to do the paperwork about the blown jug," he said.

"I'll make it as quick as I can." It took him, in fact, closer to an hour.

"Sorry it took so long," he said when he finally appeared. "But there was a silver lining. The maintenance officer, his chin on his knees, just told me there's no way he can swap engines for me before the Fourth of July. Which means I can be here longer than I thought I could."

"Great," Sarah said.

"Would you mind driving? I think we could make it off the base easier if you did."

"Sure," he said, and slipped behind the wheel.