“No,” Cronley said. “We’re taking on the Vatican by stealing their money, and I don’t think he’d approve. After setting up his protection—and that’s the priority—could you send some of our people to Wewelsburg tonight?”

“Done,” Ostrowski said. “And we’ll see you there tomorrow morning.”

“We’ll leave here no later than six,” Cohen said.

“I suggest we make that five,” Serov said.

Ginger stood up, walked to Cronley, and extended her arms to take the baby.

“That being the case, it’s bedtime for us, Super Spook.”

Everyone else stood.

Cronley handed her the child and then escorted the others out of the Duchess Suite.



U.S. Army Railroad Spur

Zehlendorf, Berlin, American Zone of Occupation, Germany

0900 20 April 1946

Two officers, wearing the aiguillettes and lapel insignia of aides-de-camp to a lieutenant general, were standing on the platform of the siding when Colonel Cohen, followed by Cronley, who had Baby Bruce in his arms, and Ginger, disembarked the Berliner.

The senior of them, a major, crisply saluted Cohen, and inquired, “Colonel Cohen?”

Cohen nodded.

“General Makamson’s compliments, sir. He asks that you attend him at your earliest convenience.”

“What’s going on?” Cohen asked.

The major looked at Cronley. “Presumably, you’re Captain Cronley?”

Cronley nodded.

“I asked, what’s going on?” Cohen said.

“If you will please follow me, sir,” the major replied. “And Captain Cronley, please follow the colonel.”

Cohen looked at Cronley, shrugged, and followed the major toward a line of staff cars. Cronley saw that the first in line was a Buick, and Cohen got in its backseat.

The other aide-de-camp, a captain, then said, “And this is Mrs. Moriarty?”

“What the hell is going on?” Cronley said.

“If you’ll give the child to its mother, Captain, and come with me, please.”

“What happens to Mrs. Moriarty?” Cronley demanded.

“For now, she’ll be taken to the Company Grade Visiting Officer Quarters.”

Max Ostrowski walked up and stopped beside Cronley.

“What’s going on?” he asked.