“No, sir.”

“Then how about unlocking that door so I can get in to see the sergeant?” Claudette asked.

“Unlock the door, Major, please,” Colonel Davis said.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Colonel,” Claudette said.

“My pleasure, ma’am,” Colonel Davis said.

“Wait here, Mr. Ziegler,” Claudette said as Major Cramer unlocked the door. “The PSO people will come with us. Your call what to do with the MPs.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ziegler said.

Technical Sergeant Florence J. Miller was in the bed, the top of which had been cranked up, when Claudette walked in and closed the door after her.

“Smile,” Claudette said, “Princess Charming is here to rescue you.”

“It’s about fucking time,” Florence said. And then quickly demanded, “Give me a cigarette.”

“Cigarettes are bad for your health, as I’m sure Major Cramer told you. But I’ll give you one if you say please.”

“Fuck you.”

“Okay, no cigarette. Put your clothes on and we’ll get out of here.”

“Everything but my goddamn bra and panties was covered with blood and brains, and I had to beg that bitch to give me them back so I could wash them.”

“I’m delighted to see that you’re in such good spirits. Come on, let’s go.”

“Wearing what?”

“That bathrobe,” Claudette said, pointing. “I didn’t think about your clothes. So what I’ll do is call the Compound and have one of the girls send a fresh uniform to the Vier Jahreszeiten.”

She picked up the bedside telephone and did so.

When she had finished, Florence said, “Please,” and Claudette handed her a package of Parliaments and a Zippo lighter.

“Okay,” Claudette said, “your uniform will probably be at the Vier Jahreszeiten before we get there. Outside is a guy named Augie Ziegler. CID agent. Now works for us. We’re in his car. We go to the Vier Jahreszeiten, you put your uniform on, and we’ll call room service and get you something to eat.”

“And a double Jack Daniel’s,” Florence said.

“And a double Jack Daniel’s,” Claudette said.

“I forgot,” Florence said.

“Forgot what?”

“To say thank you for saving my life. I owe you a big one, Dette.”

“I don’t need a goddamn wheelchair,” Florence said thirty seconds later.

“Hospital regulation, Sergeant,” Major Cramer said. “All patients being discharged—”

“Shut up and get in it, Flo,” Claudette interrupted.