“If you want me to call you ‘Captain Tiny,’ you’re going to have to call me ‘Ginger.’”

“Deal. Ginger, I’d like to show you something.”

“Will that hold until I give you something to cut the dust of the trail?”

“I’m afraid not,” Tiny said, and extended his DCI credentials to her.

She studied them carefully.

“Wow!” she said. “Have you got one of these, Jim?”

“He does,” Dunwiddie said, and put out his hand for the credentials.

“Tiny,” Cronley said, and when Dunwiddie looked at him, he pointed to Moriarty.

Dunwiddie handed the credentials to Moriarty.

“Jesus!” Bonehead said, after he had examined them.

“Don’t blaspheme,” Ginger said.

“Sorry,” he said.

“Well, Marjie always said Jimmy was going to be somebody special,” Ginger said, and then added, “I guess I can’t ask what’s going on.”

“You want to tell them, Jim, or should I?” Tiny asked.

Cronley pointed at Dunwiddie, mostly because his mind was flooded with images of the Squirt and he didn’t trust himself to speak.

“Ginger, Bonehead, what I’m about to tell you is classified Top Secret–Presidential. And even if we succeed in doing what we’re here to try doing, you are to tell no one at any time anything about it. Understood?”

Both nodded.

“In the next couple of days, we’re going to try to pick up a woman, a Russian woman, and her two sons in Thuringia and bring them back across the border.”

“Can I ask why?” Moriarty asked.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think you have the need to know that. But I will tell you that it’s important. Not just a mercy mission.”

“Got it,” Bonehead said.

“I understand,” Ginger said.

“The only reason I’ve told you this much is so you won’t go around asking questions. Any questions you would ask would attract attention to us. And we don’t want to attract any attention at all. Understand?”

“Got it,” Bonehead said again.

“I understand,” Ginger said. “The rumors are already starting.”

“What rumors are those?” Cronley asked.

“That you’re the advance party for a secret—or at least not yet announced—visit by General White.”

“Where’d you hear that?”

“This afternoon—fifteen minutes ago. In the checkout line at the commissary.”

Cronley made a Give me more gesture with his hands.