And if I wasn’t the world’s champion dumb fuck, that’s what I should have done, married the Squirt the day after I graduated.

The Squirt was one of Ginger’s bridesmaids, but I didn’t pay any attention to her. I wanted to—and did—jump the bones of another bridesmaid, a blond from Hobbs whose name I can’t even remember now. Probably couldn’t remember the next day.

And look where I am now!

“I don’t think my seeing Ginger—or Ginger seeing me—right now is a good idea, Bonehead.”

“She knows I went to the airport to meet some big shot,” Moriarty said. “She’ll ask me how that went. And I don’t lie to Ginger.”

“Can she keep her mouth shut?”

“Fuck you!”

“Bonehead, what we’re doing here is classified Top Secret–Presidential,” Cronley said.

Moriarty looked at him for a long five seconds.

“So what do I tell my wife, Captain Cronley, sir?”

“Jim, I suggest you go see Mrs. Moriarty and play that by ear,” Dunwiddie said.

“You work for him, Captain? I thought it was the other way around,” Moriarty said to Dunwiddie.

“I work for him, Lieutenant.”

“Why don’t we all go make our manners to Mrs. Moriarty?” Cronley asked.


Officer Dependent Quarters 0-112

11th Constabulary Regiment

U.S. Air Force Base, Fritzlar, Hesse

American Zone of Occupation, Germany

1725 18 January 1946

Mrs. Virginia “Ginger” Adams Moriarty was red-headed, freckled, twenty-two years old, and conspicuously pregnant.

“Well, I’ll be!” she greeted Cronley. “Look what the cat

dragged in! I guess you’re with the big shot Bruce met. Hey! What’s with the captain’s bars?”

A moment later, having seen the look on Cronley’s face, she said, “Why don’t we all pretend I didn’t say what I just said. Let me start all over.” She then did so: “Jim, what a pleasant surprise.”

“Hey, Ginger.”

“I think you know how devastated Bruce and I were when we heard about Marjie.”

“Thank you. Ginger, this is Chauncey Dunwiddie, who is both my executive officer and my best friend.”

“My friends, for reasons I can’t imagine, Mrs. Moriarty, call me ‘Tiny.’ I hope you will.”

“Welcome to our humble abode, Captain Tiny.”

“Thank you. Mrs. Moriarty, I’d like to show—”