“It’s important, Mattingly and the admiral agreed,” General Greene said, “that while I keep abreast of what’s going on at Pullach, my going there, except rarely, would draw attention to it. We then considered who, on the other hand, could go there frequently, without it looking suspicious.”

Greene looked around and then answered his own question. “My IG is also the IG for ASA. And this charming lady is president of the CIC/ASA Officers’ Ladies Club. And sponsor of the CIC/ASA NCOs’ Wives Clubs. No one would find anything suspicious in Colonel Schumann visiting Pullach every other week or so. Or that he be accompanied by his wife when he did. Or Mrs. Schumann going to Pullach alone to meet with the ladies.”

Cronley looked at Rachel. She met his eyes momentarily.

“Which, I submit, neatly solves the effective liaison problem,” Greene said.

“Mrs. Schumann of course has a Top Secret–Lindbergh clearance?” Frade asked drily.

“Does Mrs. Frade?” Admiral Souers asked.

“No. And I have never told her anything about anything that was classified in any way. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

Everyone chuckled.

“Boy Scout’s Honor,” Frade added, making the Scout sign.

That got laughs.

Souers looked at his watch.

“We had better get back in there. We’ve got a lot to cover.”


Suite 117

Schlosshotel Kronberg

Kronberg im Taunus, Hesse

American Zone of Occupation, Germany

1710 1 November 1945

Cletus Frade said, “In that case, forget it,” and hung up the telephone.

He turned to Jimmy.

“The management regrets that it will take a half hour for room service.”

“I’ll go to the bar and get us something. Jack Daniel’s?”

Clete went to a soft-sided suitcase, opened the zipper, and came up with a bottle of Dewar’s scotch whisky.

“I learned to drink this in Argentina. Okay with you?”


“We don’t have to have this conversation now, Jimmy. You want to wait until after dinner?”

“I’d like to pass on both.”

Clete found glasses, poured whisky into them, then handed one to Cronley.

“You don’t have any option about Colonel and Mrs. Schumann’s kind invitation to dinner,” Clete said. “You will go and smile. I think Schumann will be very useful to you. He obviously likes you . . .”

He wouldn’t if he knew I’m screwing his wife.