“Hoechst. Not far. A little suburb not far from the Eschborn airstrip. It somehow didn’t get leveled in the war.”

She slipped into her shoes.

Jimmy got out of bed and went to her.

“Uh-oh,” she said. “I don’t think I’m going to like this.”

“You won’t like what?”

“Don’t say anything foolish, Jimmy, please.”


“And you don’t have to tell me not to tell my husband about what you let slip.”

“Thank you.”

“And don’t try to entice me back into bed. I really have to be at home when the kids get there.”

“What gave you the idea I was going to try something like that?”

“This,” she said, putting her hand on him. “You know what happens to me when it stands up and waves at me like that. I lose all control.”

“What do I do now?”

“Kiss me quick, and then go back to bed. Alone.”

He kissed her. It was quick.

She took her hand off him and walked out of the bedroom without looking back.

After a moment, he walked into the sitting room. Rachel was gone.

So, what do I do now?

I take a shower. Then I get dressed.

And, fuck Mattingly, I go to the dining room and get something to ea


He looked at his watch.

Well, since the dining room doesn’t open until five, and I can’t drink as I’m flying in the morning, what do I do for the next thirty-five minutes?

I take a little nap is what I do for the next thirty-five minutes.

And then I take a shower and go get something to eat.

[ TEN ]

0800 31 October 1945

He first had trouble waking, and then he couldn’t find the goddamned ringing telephone.

“Captain Cronley.”

“Captain, your car is here to take you to the Eschborn airstrip.”